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Best way for a pure to make money?

Mmm Ur Blood

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Mmm Ur Blood

What's the best way for a pure to make money? I'm mean like, a lot of money, for d claws or ags. Discuss.  :)

I'd think like, slayer. It's good for training and when you get high levels you can get a lot of money. But that's just my guess.


Ehh flip while you hunt. That's what i do.

Mmm Ur Blood

Haduken - in which skills?

99 x mage - What do you mean flip while you hunt?


AFK at a safespot for EP then kill your target = 600k+ an hour

Mmm Ur Blood

I've been doing that in my spare time, (5+ targ kills a day) Been getting about 100k target kills. Except for 2, got seren stat and a 500k pk. Thanks though.

x kill die x

I'D suggest runecrafting with nature tabs, im new to them and all I can say is that they're awesome  :omg:


kill goblins in lumby. tbh its what i did for xp and cash on my first account from level 3 to 40.


kill goblins in lumby. tbh its what i did for xp and cash on my first account from level 3 to 40.

Not funny.

Do the EP thing but do it at druids.

Can get 100EP along with 400K in herbs


fish or wc while you watch tv lol


Don't touch the nature tabs. waste of money.

Killing druids for EP is probably a pretty good idea.


Watch Tower Blue Drags... Easy. 3m Per Day.

Smited B O W

Hunter, flip, farming but the best one i afk for targ then kill for a avrage of 600k loot


Flip while orbing or tabbing, gr8 money and mage exp

Mmm Ur Blood

x kill die x - Money per hour?

watch me tbb - im lvl 77, nty >.<

hob nob - will try after this target kill (what ep should i go to Bounty worlds at? Cause I think I should do that til like 75 or so and then get a target at 100 ep)

Pretty much everyone else said, "Flip". What is that?


i seem to make like 2-3m a day only killing targets in bh


x kill die x - Money per hour?

watch me tbb - im lvl 77, nty >.<

hob nob - will try after this target kill (what ep should i go to Bounty worlds at? Cause I think I should do that til like 75 or so and then get a target at 100 ep)

Pretty much everyone else said, "Flip". What is that?

In simple terms, buy an item for low and sell for high. Or buy an item in bulk that has crashed and wait for it to go back up. Like say Ppots go down to 8.5 or so. Buy as many as you can, wait for them to go back up to 9.5+ or so, then sell them.

yeah i like getting ep and killing targs when you get them


nothing beats flipping if you know what you're doing ;)

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