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Nexing with 1 def?


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Your knowledge of what to do was better than I thought you'd do. However it would be impossible for a 1 defence team alone to do it without main help.


Nice lol I've never been there on any acc


meh, when with that many mains its not rly impressive, would rather see u solo sara or few pures arma or something challenging.

but nice I guess

Gareth l Rare

as i said on youtube, get all the top level'd ppl to go!!!

Best recruitment vid ever

Gareth l Rare

Nice 8)

EP what happened to your rank?


Pretty kewl. if only there was a better drop :p

i knew it was possible. just not many pures have 70 agility or enough motivation to actually go try it out. nex doesn't hit that many 0s on 99 def so it shouldnt matter 1 or 99 def


nice man. Would love to see a team of like 10 pures doing nex. But I think thats impossible


mini do u want a death wish XDDD what

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