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Is getting Augury + Rigor worth getting?

I don't really edge pk, only inner and clan wars kind of deal.


ye get it since u dont pk


id say no becus its another 1 and half chaotics you could of got

unless your like 100 dunge and 290k tokens is nothin to u

i was considering getting another 150k tokens for augury myself but thought no


yes get  it i have it myself it rapes in wars etc


ye get

if ur high dung that is


I got both, extremely noticable difference =]


rigour owns, augury sucks


I wouldn't get it if t was me. I would get a chaotic instead but that's just my opinion.


totally worth it, I was on the edge to didnt let me down!


Id say its totally worth it even if you pk


Rigour is worth it. Im not so sure about Augury


Theyre worth it. But go for chaotics first.


I don't have either so I can't really say from experience but based off what other people have said i'd say go for them!


Personally Rigour in my opinion...

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