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Runescape Grenny PK Video 7- "The Final Fight"

Nh Grenny

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Light Mayhem

No offense man, I watched your videos in the past, they were good, but this is complete garbage.


horribel how did u manage to make such a shit vid ?


you are supposed to switch prayers when tanking, not a bad video though :P


horribel how did u manage to make such a shit vid ?

as a troll you should know it


horribel how did u manage to make such a shit vid ?

as a troll you should know it

yes i have seen it too

The editing was good, but the clips aren't that good bro.

You shouldn't get D claw clips, because those kills are easy to make. Get pk clips with high hits/big loots.

I hope to see more from you soon, your football/soccer videos are more enojyable than your runescape videos. No offense. :D


lol pking has never been ur thing ur videos are complete shit

i dont see why u put so much time into editting with these type of a clips especially

u have gotten so much negative comments on like most of ur videos u even disabled ratings on most of them

just stop making pk videos pls no1 enjoys them

don't take it to the heart i'm just here to help u out:(


too much editting nice effort tho


sorry to say man but i did not enjoy this vid :(


your level 76 and the highest hit i saw was a 254....and thats with claws.... -_-


lol pking has never been ur thing ur videos are complete shit

i dont see why u put so much time into editting with these type of a clips especially

u have gotten so much negative comments on like most of ur videos u even disabled ratings on most of them

just stop making pk videos pls no1 enjoys them

don't take it to the heart i'm just here to help u out:(

No need to be so harsh, but the vid itself wasn't very entertaining. You rushed people with d claws which isn't hard and killed people with no skull which lead to the shit loot. 4 minutes of clips I could get in one day of pking. + you added a battlescape clip..


I got the clips in a day, someone thought i'm gonna join FOE yes if I do i'm turning to honour so sh..

Ik the clips aren't so amazing, just wanted to make a little clip and Jason the clip is from battlescape yes its my last video showing my road as making videos from rs to bs , bs to rs etc 95 prayer party with Outrage etc man.

And just ignore with Redeem, he has always been trolling me.

If I make later Video 8 its with AGS & Korasi pure pking (not rushing) and i'm sure people enjoys it,but yeah thanks anyway about the feedback was it hating or loving still thanks :/


I got the clips in a day, someone thought i'm gonna join FOE yes if I do i'm turning to honour so sh..

Ik the clips aren't so amazing, just wanted to make a little clip and Jason the clip is from battlescape yes its my last video showing my road as making videos from rs to bs , bs to rs etc 95 prayer party with Outrage etc man.

And just ignore with Redeem, he has always been trolling me.

If I make later Video 8 its with AGS & Korasi pure pking (not rushing) and i'm sure people enjoys it,but yeah thanks anyway about the feedback was it hating or loving still thanks :/

wow ur english makes finland look rly bad maybe u should try to be like me coz im obviously the least 4n guy ud ever see from finland and also bad vid soz sonny but tryharder

Worst vid ive ever seen :o


hey man nice editing you should apply for a job at pixar film studios


I got the clips in a day, someone thought i'm gonna join FOE yes if I do i'm turning to honour so sh..

Ik the clips aren't so amazing, just wanted to make a little clip and Jason the clip is from battlescape yes its my last video showing my road as making videos from rs to bs , bs to rs etc 95 prayer party with Outrage etc man.

And just ignore with Redeem, he has always been trolling me.

If I make later Video 8 its with AGS & Korasi pure pking (not rushing) and i'm sure people enjoys it,but yeah thanks anyway about the feedback was it hating or loving still thanks :/

wow ur english makes finland look rly bad maybe u should try to be like me coz im obviously the least 4n guy ud ever see from finland and also bad vid soz sonny but tryharder

wdf wot about me fam?????

im not always trolling u grenny  i was being fucking dead serious in that reply wdf


i was being fucking dead

omgff zombei ?

i was being fucking dead

omgff zombei ?

L 0 L 0L 0L 0 L0L 0,

Vid is completly garbage, ur 20def 76cb rushing ppl in edge and there was only NON-EDITED clip in this vid? Ur good m8


i was being fucking dead

omgff zombei ?



Don't take any offence to this but i thought the clips were pretty bad. Try to get higher hits and a wider variety of weapons/combos. I find rushing pretty boring to watch :/

The editing was cool but it was more like a 4minute intro than a vid


So many trolls just for him trying to make a video. Nice videos tho



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