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Mainings New G&A


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Posted (edited)


My first pure with 2k+ total (2036) went main after glitch to 2def refer to:

Stats on my main current Date 18/04/2012

Stats On My Current Pure Started training it end november 2011 refer to:

Started By

Maining, Dec 04 2011 08:17

Most Total Levels gained in a single Day Record (682) Refer to this:

Also made alot more pures with high totals but sold all

Over 3B made from questing

Max Qp on My Pure and Main Aswel as all compl reqs (minigames etc)


Ps: This was made out of hate for someone wanting to get best skiller but dont really deserve it yet i hold no grudge am just pissed Thank You.

So i closed my last cause ye shit happend but i have awsome friends and yeah i didnt quit butye i decided to make a new g&a to keep me motivated and stuff soye i got like shitload of pics since my last g&a (thats what happends if u dont upload daily) so im just gonna post a few pics then resume my daily updates and all

also got myself some illuminated unholy books but didnt picture =p

bank pic also

+ 80m in pouch

+ got 35m after for another cape

for any1 wondering how i afford my skills i also Quest / cape and stuff for ppl to make my gp.

Edited by Maining
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  • Maining


  • Jamie


  • Elven Dremor


  • Tylerrr



ur strong


if u can apply urself to something shit like scape y not do something more constructive?


why are you soo awesome :(

your account is smoking :D


if u can apply urself to something shit like scape y not do something more constructive?



going hard like always


Such a boss! Thanks for all the help so far!


fuck you and your clan ally


why are you soo awesome :(

your account is smoking :D

thx man =)

going hard like always

u know we niggas roll hard

Such a boss! Thanks for all the help so far!

yw mate just ask anytime =)

fuck you and your clan ally


Legit ^

always =)

Elven Dremor



max ur skills not just combat too fkn easy



max ur skills not just combat too fkn easy


if i have gp i will and dont quote elven telling me amateur plz my pure is way better then his and my main is higher total then his plz get ur facts right elven ur the amateur !


pirate king


remember when we used to play pservs together? you still owe me that ags u lost  :lol:

Elven Dremor

max ur skills not just combat too fkn easy


if i have gp i will and dont quote elven telling me amateur plz my pure is way better then his and my main is higher total then his plz get ur facts right elven ur the amateur !

Nice 99 count, son!

My pure aint even a month old. Bitch, get on mah level.


max ur skills not just combat too fkn easy


if i have gp i will and dont quote elven telling me amateur plz my pure is way better then his and my main is higher total then his plz get ur facts right elven ur the amateur !

Nice 99 count, son!

My pure aint even a month old. Bitch, get on mah level.

my pures new to stop finding excuses bich and hey fuck 99 count its all about total lvl


:lol: Gj so far looking good


been caping alot for ppl making nice bank then my internet fucked up couldnt fix so had to reformate comp and ofcourse my screenshots i saved on usb didnt save correctly so al lost gf 5k screenies of past 13 months , after that i go high risk bandos pk redbar 3ppl who tele after that 5 more noobs who safe spec tele then get another fight and client crashed first hit gf 85m fcape zerk (i)

ps: got 66-70 thief and 1.7k total and 70-75 fm and 60-62 hunt on pure but since my pics failed to save i guess il just write

rip shitday goodnight


Huge support! Jammer van die 85M bro :(

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