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76k'ing - BH or PvP worlds.


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What's better to 76k in?

Bh or PvP worlds.

Bh worlds have a 3x increased chance of receiving what your opponent loses (This is why we get 76k coins a lot)

And well, for PvP I have no idea..

Been doing Bh for a few weeks, just wanna know everyones opinion.


l2pk instead

What else do i expect from Ultra, the most stuck up idiot on the forums.

It wasn't a debate, it was a question.

If you have nothing positively constructive to say then piss off.

And I'd drop you any day, keep that in your head.

Also how about: Learning to spell, seriously.


l2pk instead


Lol to be honest...

I'm not gonna bother trying anymore.


l2pk instead


Stop being so stuck up and actually post something constructive for once?

It doesn't really matter if your pking or 76king anyways, BH gives better drops. And if you fail at getting a good drop there is a good chance (If your 76king) that you'll get the money.


l2pk instead

What else do i expect from Ultra, the most stuck up idiot on the forums.

It wasn't a debate, it was a question.

If you have nothing positively constructive to say then piss off.

And I'd drop you any day, keep that in your head.

Also how about: Learning to spell, seriously.

Don't ask a question like that where mostly everyone actually PK's and doesn't ask some dumb@$$ to die for them.

hey idiots ever been stuck at 100 ep

neither seem to do anythin brilliant, but i reckon BH works a lil better


@Ikz, Drew & Ultra.


Pm me in game to fight, feel free to record you failing and show it to the entire clan. :victory:

You are a main you moron. as if we wouldnt fucking rape you with our mains.

and for the topic:

Its a really good question, i dont 76k myself, i pk, but i would probably do it in BH, but it would be nice to know the difference.


i always get better artifacts pking in pvp but better loot n bh

Mmm Ur Blood

my loot is usually better in bh worlds


@Ikz, Drew & Ultra.


Pm me in game to fight, feel free to record you failing and show it to the entire clan. :victory:

You are a main you moron. as if we wouldnt fucking rape you with our mains.

and for the topic:

Its a really good question, i dont 76k myself, i pk, but i would probably do it in BH, but it would be nice to know the difference.

+1, don't post crap that you're going to own us, go post that on MAIN forums and see how you do.... good fight.


@Ikz, Drew & Ultra.


Pm me in game to fight, feel free to record you failing and show it to the entire clan. :victory:

I'm not quite as dense as you are but I'll post a kill that's probably equivalent to your entire gallery, I've got better ones but I figured this would be the closest.

Posted Image

Learn how to take sarcasm and drink a soda.


Nice kill Ikz, and idk which is better, be cool to know the diff.


I'm not quite as dense as you are but I'll post a kill that's probably equivalent to your entire gallery, I've got better ones but I figured this would be the closest.

I think I have you beat ikz...I was dming my friend in old pvp, me in torag and whip, him in dharok, and I hit 32, then switched to dds and speced 20 12 lol

Posted Image

Reason I had QC open is because I was muted for some Bs about offensive language, saying some guy who was level 135 ( I was 130 at the time) wouldn't fight me, so I said he had an empty sack :\


I miss the days when Pking was not about loot


I miss the days when Pking was not about loot

Some of us still pk for fun ole chap, don't worry. However this 76king business has quite ruined the point.


I miss the days when Pking was not about loot

Some of us still pk for fun ole chap, don't worry. However this 76king business has quite ruined the point.

The game has really gone down the shitter, Gower needs to hit the Delete key

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