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Ideal stats for a pure in todays Runescape?

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Well, I'm starting a new pure, and I'm curious what people would recommend... I've considered getting 60 attack, high strength, and turmoil, with like 30 defence and rune gloves.

Would this be an account that would be easy to pk on? (Is it worth it?)

If not, suggestions?


60 attack, 60 str, 60 def, 60 mage, 60 range, 60hp, 60 prayer

60 btw


depends on what you wanna do with it, pking, skilling, clanning



Nice stats! Guess that's what I should be aiming for :O

depends on what you wanna do with it, pking, skilling, clanning

Pking, solo pking :)


Its not about the account your pking on . Its about the pking on the account your on


Its not about the account your pking on . Its about the pking on the account your on

But I'm pretty sure you can agree, that no matter how skilled the driver is, a 2000 pound truck can not outrun a Ferarri :)


My truck will be as long as the start and finish line . All i got to do is start her up



32 def

#restart ;)


tbh 50 attack owns in the wild ( i can speak some personal experience ). It owns 60-attack by far but its not as "diversified" as a dds. To be honest, the one build that i always loved was a range-mage pure. IE 99 range 94 mage 11 pray w/ 85-90 hp (67 combat i think)


50 att is sick but hard to train 60 att is ownage and 80 for chaoitcs 99 clannin

Gareth l Rare

.stats Shady Ltd

my name is, were my dawgs at

bark with me now


Its not about the account your pking on . Its about the pking on the account your on

But I'm pretty sure you can agree, that no matter how skilled the driver is, a 2000 pound truck can not outrun a Ferarri :)

Solo PKing is like 85% luck, not skill.

Reguardless of stats, though having awesome stats would be a massive advantage.

If you disagree, then you're in denial.


Its not about the account your pking on . Its about the pking on the account your on

But I'm pretty sure you can agree, that no matter how skilled the driver is, a 2000 pound truck can not outrun a Ferarri :)

Solo PKing is like 85% luck, not skill.

Reguardless of stats, though having awesome stats would be a massive advantage.

If you disagree, then you're in denial.

Are you saying I'm in denial? I'm the one who brought up the advantage thing xD

That's why I made this thread, to find the stats that wou ld give me the biggest advantage.


Try 1def 1 Att and 60 str. Try it out and see how you like it, then go 50 attack, then 60. Then try def.


60 attack, 60 str, 60 def, 60 mage, 60 range, 60hp, 60 prayer

60 btw

ye do that pro pker

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