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Pk Regular aka 13 Year Old doing Commentary

Pk Regular

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My 1st Commentary Video

Go Easy Like/Favorite/Subscribe and also Comment what should my 2nd Commentary video be like What Weapon or should i do like a Hybrid Commentary video ;)

Thumbs up for 13 year old doing a Commentary video. My 1st one go easy ;D


Btw, you fat?

y flame nigga.

this kid's like a young soft pillow.


Btw, you fat?

y flame nigga.

this kid's like a young soft pillow.

Not flaming, JW if he's fat or not.


"risk it risk it, alright I'm outta here.... GAWWWWWWWWWWW"


Btw, you fat?

no... im 93.61 pounds..

Oh alright, thought you might have been, due to your deep breathes while pking.


lol nice vid :) props for the courage


you sound like carcuss/stalde :)


I felt like a pedo at 1:13

Nice job with the vid and that, you seem pretty confident

I personally have a different sense of humour so i didn't really laugh but goodluck with your future vids


Dude don't even bother making another video! All you did is show clips of you dying, pjing, and running. Not to mention, you're a horrible safer calling other people a safer. You're horrible, just quit making videos and stay out of the wild. You're rated the worst PKer in my book, jesus!


Okay, soooo...1st clip you get completely wrecked by some 40 def guy while 1-iteming with zgs (lol zgs). Second clip is your fight getting pjed then you spam clicking the two fighters and flaming some guy who had been pjed like 10 times for running away from you. Still 1 iteming btw. Finally, in the third clip you bank and get a granite maul, only to get wrecked once again by the guy from clip one even while safing to full hp for most of the fight. Then you start complaining about him safing and safe even more. Finally, you use prot prayers (thought eop was honor?) and hit the guy with your zgs  a couple times then run away with your range pray up.

But wait, I haven't even gotten to the worst part yet! You're a 13-year old kid (nothing wrong with that in and of itself) who tries to "talk ghetto" because you think it makes you cool. Newsflash: it doesn't! Neither does throwing around swear words for no reason.

If you want to make pk vids, please make them good, or at least decent. Nobody wants to see you 1-iteming with a shitty weapon and monk robes and dying for 5 minutes. Better pking, better commentary style please. I realize it's your first attempt but at least in my opinion it's pretty shoddy even for that.

Only entertaining part was that squeal that sounded like a dying animal one of the times you died.


Okay, soooo...1st clip you get completely wrecked by some 40 def guy while 1-iteming with zgs (lol zgs). Second clip is your fight getting pjed then you spam clicking the two fighters and flaming some guy who had been pjed like 10 times for running away from you. Still 1 iteming btw. Finally, in the third clip you bank and get a granite maul, only to get wrecked once again by the guy from clip one even while safing to full hp for most of the fight. Then you start complaining about him safing and safe even more. Finally, you use prot prayers (thought eop was honor?) and hit the guy with your zgs  a couple times then run away with your range pray up.

But wait, I haven't even gotten to the worst part yet! You're a 13-year old kid (nothing wrong with that in and of itself) who tries to "talk ghetto" because you think it makes you cool. Newsflash: it doesn't! Neither does throwing around swear words for no reason.

If you want to make pk vids, please make them good, or at least decent. Nobody wants to see you 1-iteming with a shitty weapon and monk robes and dying for 5 minutes. Better pking, better commentary style please. I realize it's your first attempt but at least in my opinion it's pretty shoddy even for that.

Only entertaining part was that squeal that sounded like a dying animal one of the times you died.

Lol if you see MY vids  :D


american version of sale


rofl wat a shit vid


pk regular aka 13 year old aka lil virgin


u a texas ranger?

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