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45 defense zerk?


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So I was in FOE with my full maxed 30 defense turmoil pure. Kinda feel like playing again but I was thinking maybe maxed 45 def zerker, anyone got reviews on the pking for this?

Thanks ;p


its bad!!!


What? :p


idk man u can try it out but if u dont liked it ur fucked and even getting more def and more #main


Well I don't plan on joining FOE because cba applying again so that acc is kinda wasted being 30 def because 30 def turmoil sucks donkey dick.


lol go get def then be zerk XD


let me use your acc than


nah zerker is not worth it, i had a maxed turmoil zerk, but it's shit. Don't get 40 or 45 def or higher.


Lol I think I'm doing it anyways because as bad as you guys are saying it is, 30 defense turmoil is the WORST account I ever made for Pking so it can't get worse :p


either way they both own


if ur 99 att it aint great

80 att is ok

unless u brid its shit tho coz edge pking gets so boring


Zeros rape. Go for it.

Zerks*, fuck auto correct.


Rune Pure is and until some whack update will be the most overpowered account type in this game.

Unless you had plans to rejoin FOE you made the right choice.

GL owning nigga


i laugh when 30 def pots up


If you plan on getting 80 Att and a Chaotic then go for it, those accs just dominate from what i've seen.


if youve got the time/money to quest and get torso etc then ye why not


99 attack with 45 def is obviously better than with 30


Wat y u play dis game again.  Jk.  get 45 and we peekay kk?  :)


Wat y u play dis game again.  Jk.  get 45 and we peekay kk?  :)

LOL its been so long ILZ!

Still rocking your zerk? :O


Wat y u play dis game again.  Jk.  get 45 and we peekay kk?  :)

LOL its been so long ILZ!

Still rocking your zerk? :O

YEEEEEEEE of course Ruhv :)  what's a main???


Wat y u play dis game again.  Jk.  get 45 and we peekay kk?  :)

LOL its been so long ILZ!

Still rocking your zerk? :O

YEEEEEEEE of course Ruhv :)  what's a main???

Dude! you need to come inTS or something I havent talked to you in forever!

So you think I should make it a maxed zerk? how long is the questing if i'm maxed 30 def turm lol :p


Tbh I don't know.  I've almost done all quests possible for a zerk; almost 300 qp :P  I'll be on TS sometime later when I'm off work or something :P

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