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honour is stupid i willl agree. but i see no changes.

All I see is racist faces

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Honor is only good if others sport it as well... like in the old days. Today, honor is just plain stupid and the people supporting it are either ignorant or have another accounts to NH on.


to be honest m8 i think u shud just get better at brid cos u suck

Gareth l Rare

well to answer ur question its like this.. u ever done this quest on rs "the golem" hes like a robot and wont change his mind yea well thats what foe's leadership is. they all close-minded golems.. and they scared if they change it we will get laughed at by our big rival clan that dresses up in pink

This is why i missed you when you left.


Honor is only good if others sport it as well... like in the old days.


I suppose using better armour is NH aswell. Lo0l.


personally, i treat others like i'd like to be treated.. i hate dominating people then them tellying.. so i won't do the same


I see teleing will get accepted in future... like overheads did


I haven't played for a long time, but reading these pages the atmosphere has changed a lot. If you had done this topic 2 years ago honor pking would have been more popular.


personally, i treat others like i'd like to be treated.. i hate dominating people then them tellying.. so i won't do the same

Pretty boring to pk when 90% of the time it will end up with no-one winning because they'll tele.

100k risk on a pure is nothing, why tele for it? If you do risk more, you should be prepared to lose it.

Nobody likes fighting someone, wasting a lot of their food & pots on them, then seeing a big xp drop and *ting* they've teled.

It's slightly retarded if everyone on the entire game except us brought teleports, but it isn't like that. It's also kind of a 'trademark' of FOE, something we should always keep to match us back to our roots. After all, we set the example for the newer players. If everyone on this game tele'd, PK'ing would be even more terrible than it already is.


erm dont get caught n u b fine


personally, i treat others like i'd like to be treated.. i hate dominating people then them tellying.. so i won't do the same

yeah bro they invented this thing called the teleport block I heard it works pretty well.


to be honest m8 i think u shud just get better at brid cos u suck

I accept all brid stakes that are atleast 10m :D

ill stake, wots ur irc?


Honor Pk and Keep your Pride! #Pride, That's why we honor pk..


sala getting called out !


ill stake, wots ur irc?

oh shit


honour is stupid i willl agree. but i see no changes.


and oh shit, you brought big nigga pig out of retirement.


ill stake, wots ur irc?


I've got some time over the weekend

1 def/2 brew max/reg pots and pk gear w/o a +1 sound good?


0 brews then yh gd.


0 brews then yh gd.

go on son

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