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Zulu's Slayer Log

Kidz On Wiz

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157 Fire Giants - 21/01/2012

139 Basalisk's - 21/01/2012

148 Trolls - 22/01/2012

142 Hellhounds - 22/01/2012

44 Crawling Hands - 22/01/2012

48 Banshees - 22/01/2012

43 Cockatrices - 22/01/2012

58 Pyrefiends - 22/01/2012

33 Red Dragons - 23/01/2012

16 Wall Beasts - 23/01/2012

42 Crawling Hands - 23/01/2012

68 Catapolen - 23/01/2012

Special Task - 23/01/2012

68 Flesh Crawlers - 23/01/2012

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