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Was recently speaking with my Dad, and talking about certain planning opportunities for my income as that's his area of expertise, and one of the best ways to get out of paying tax at a higher rate is through marriage under certain conditions. Almost instantly after saying this he told me flat out, " Do not get married, your only making things harder for yourself long term "

No my parents aren't split so I presume this is based on an unbiased insight made by him, was just wondering what you guys opinions are on this matter. I personally don't care at this moment in time, I don't see why some legal document is important to your overall happiness unless your marrying into wealth and plan betrayal.


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lol marriage is for mugs.

so insecure they need a legal document to make their partner stay faithfull. NOT THAT IT WOULD STOP ME ANYWAY HA

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I don't really give two shits about marriage. If I end up wanting to spend the rest of my life with a woman and she wants to get married, I might do it. She'll probably have to sign that pre nup though.

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many people nowadays get devorced. If you love a girl, why not marry her? You gotta believe in love for life.

My parents are devorced and the way it happened wasnt nice. But they had a nice time together.

Maybe nowadays people arent ment to be together forever.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ya whats wrong with it lol

If u both deeply love each other then why not make a massive deal out of it and have a great day & honeymoon afterwards :P

People say it's 1 of the best days of their lives

Although marrying for the pure sake of "Being Married" or for money issues.. don't rly agree with that

I also disagree with people that complain about not being able to have civil partnerships in churches.. the fucking bible does not agree with same-sex marriages. People are stupid lol

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  • 1 year later...

i've talked with some irl friends about this and it turned out most girls would want to marry and most of male friends didn't see any need of it,


most girls just liked the idea of it, no further reasoning w/ tax or w/e you're thinking about

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i've talked with some irl friends about this and it turned out most girls would want to marry and most of male friends didn't see any need of it,


most girls just liked the idea of it, no further reasoning w/ tax or w/e you're thinking about



have i ever told you that you're good at stating the obvious? maybe not but i guess that's because its obvious



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I don't really see marriage as a career path or money related. Then again, I'm not really religious either so it makes me wonder what marriage truly means.

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