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Goal: 3 Months to Maxed 60 Attack Pure


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<<<<<  RSN: Feh

Made this account a week maybe 2 weeks before christmas...

Check my intro out:



99 Range: Chinning from 70-99

99 Magic: Alched to 94, bursting to 99 for 99 HP + Charms after I max Strength.

99 Strength: Bandits all the way

Side Goals:

99 Herb: 192k Serum 207s because I'm jewish but 120m for ovls is deals.

Progress @ 1.3 Months

Current Stats and what I'm doing right now:


Few hours later....


UPDATE: Went to San Francisco for a week so i'm probably not going to achieve the goal on time. But fuck it im still workin hard.



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Motivate me xD

Thanks Guys.

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leme right this out for ya :)

str @ 80k xp hour = 162 hours to 99

range @ 300k hour = 43 hours to 99

mage @ 200k hour = 65 hours to 99

Total time: 270 hours

Xp Gained: 52m

Avg Xp/hour = 192k

Average playtime per day to accomplish in 3 months: 3

Takes 2 weeks if ur gud true story

Unfortunately I have a life :/

Your going to be sat on your computer clicking for 3 hours a day for the next 3 months of your life.

PS: xp rates guessed/averaged due to variable change using fastest methods.

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leme right this out for ya :)

str @ 80k xp hour = 162 hours to 99

range @ 300k hour = 43 hours to 99

mage @ 200k hour = 65 hours to 99

Total time: 270 hours

Xp Gained: 52m

Avg Xp/hour = 192k

Average playtime per day to accomplish in 3 months: 3

Takes 2 weeks if ur gud true story

Unfortunately I have a life :/

Your going to be sat on your computer clicking for 3 hours a day for the next 3 months of your life.

PS: xp rates guessed/averaged due to variable change using fastest methods.

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leme right this out for ya :)

str @ 80k xp hour = 162 hours to 99

range @ 300k hour = 43 hours to 99

mage @ 200k hour = 65 hours to 99

Total time: 270 hours

Xp Gained: 52m

Avg Xp/hour = 192k

Average playtime per day to accomplish in 3 months: 3

Takes 2 weeks if ur gud true story

Unfortunately I have a life :/

Your going to be sat on your computer clicking for 3 hours a day for the next 3 months of your life.

PS: xp rates guessed/averaged due to variable change using fastest methods.

Wasn't trying to be cruel, I just dislike when people use the "I have a life argument" for being shit. if you play rs for more than 2 hour a day its considered as not having a life in my opinion, as 2 hours a day per year = 1 month of your life playing a game. Somebody could play 5 hours a day yet on weekends is very sociable. Plus efficiency  into this equation and there is just to many variables.

Tl;dr don't say you "have a life" when your going to be playing 3 hours a day

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Hmm I work 40 hours a week.

24hrs x 7 = 168 hours

10 hrs a night of sleep = 70 hours

Remainder is 98 hours of awake time, 40 spent working, 58 left over hours.

I have a life.

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leme right this out for ya :)

str @ 80k xp hour = 162 hours to 99

range @ 300k hour = 43 hours to 99

mage @ 200k hour = 65 hours to 99

Total time: 270 hours

Xp Gained: 52m

Avg Xp/hour = 192k

Average playtime per day to accomplish in 3 months: 3

Takes 2 weeks if ur gud true story

Unfortunately I have a life :/

Your going to be sat on your computer clicking for 3 hours a day for the next 3 months of your life.

PS: xp rates guessed/averaged due to variable change using fastest methods.

Wasn't trying to be cruel, I just dislike when people use the "I have a life argument" for being shit. if you play rs for more than 2 hour a day its considered as not having a life in my opinion, as 2 hours a day per year = 1 month of your life playing a game. Somebody could play 5 hours a day yet on weekends is very sociable. Plus efficiency  into this equation and there is just to many variables.

Tl;dr don't say you "have a life" when your going to be playing 3 hours a day

^ and also the "I have a life" statement is WAY too overused lol. It's used when people try to imply they go to college then stay out till 10pm and come home and eat then sleep... RS is something people do in the spare time and some people have more free time then others... "Not having a life" would be blowing off college and friends to play runescape which I'm sure no-one really does.

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Hmm I work 40 hours a week.

24hrs x 7 = 168 hours

10 hrs a night of sleep = 70 hours

Remainder is 98 hours of awake time, 40 spent working, 58 left over hours.

I have a life.

So your going to spend a third of your time that your awake and not working playing rs? This is without factoring in eating, travel etc.. :L

btw i am trying to help you lol look what I managed to do ( have no life )

- -[CA]RuneScript- *** [ TRACKER ]: Exp gains for Fanatic in last 26wks: Overall(+527) +299,597,709

avg:11.5m xp per week...

tldr don't bother lol

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Bro. 3 hours a day is 21 hours of the 58 left over hours, the remaining 37 hours i spend chilling with friends, girls and family. Thats average 5 hours a day socializing. Sometimes i play more than 3 hours...i'll manage my own life brah.

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Stop trying to prove that you have a life, no one cares, and it makes you look like a douche bag. Everyone uses their time the way they want to use it. If someone wants to play Runescape 20 hours a day who are you to criticize? As long as you're not out disturbing others or wreaking havoc everything else should be irrelevant. You have nothing to prove, especially on the internet.

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