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Favorite chaotics?

Faux Auri

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As pures, what are your favorite chaotics? Mine's the maul. Go.



rapier crossbow maul staff longsword


hmm i like all of them i wish i had a longsword tho :(


maul #1 pk weapon and miniwar item ye also cls bangs


i've only got a maul and i love it.. but for my next if i ever get it i'll have the staff for 60 attk account OR rapier


as a pure in final ownage elite i'd have to say that I prefer the shield...


as a pure in final ownage elite i'd have to say that I prefer the shield...

Good one , cant you just give a normal answer for a pure


Chaotic maul rapes- Chaotic Rapier pwns


I like staff and maul


Cmaul on a turm pure

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