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my stats etc atm

vi hybrid iv

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vi hybrid iv

http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/3407/090819210934.png    my stats at the moment im only 40 combat working on 60 range when i get 60 range ill do dt accumulator mith gloves etc. be 15 pray hope to get dt done with 15.

but after quests ill be fishing lobs/sharks till bout 85 fishing mayby idk yet or kill obbys or drags and train for 60 att 80 str 85 range 90+ mage if i do dt with 15 pray im staying 15 if i dont ill prob get 44 but ya... rate me and tell me what u think


         http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/6011/090820020029.png              ok forget 15 pray i just got 44 last night


do biohazard for cage ogres..

vi hybrid iv

will when i get to questing lol


nice account , keep training :D


Not bad, keep working on it


Do a bit of slayer for the old range.


lookin good if you do dt and keep 15 prayer id say get range/mage even so 70/70 > 85/85 / 94/94

but it's looking good so far..and i'd have to agree with earlier posts..do biohazard for caged ogres

vi hybrid iv

should i just stay range/mage till like 94 range and mage or get like 50 att 80+ str for range/blitz/maul?

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