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So guys there is a double experience weekend soon, and my bank isnt that great, turmoil now is 140m and my bank is like, 80m? 90m? I was wondering if it was worth like spending my entire bank on D Bones in advance then waiting for the double experience and getting turmoil which id really love?


turmoil rly isnt that great tbh :| but it just depends on wether u rly want it or not, if u want it then go for it


I have it on my main and i love it, i guess it isnt amazing but itd help me a lot and my defence is 2 and im one of those kids who hates failed pures (not failed just like.. uggh you get me) so if i go turmoil 30 defence then id have a greater appreciation for my pure.


Does double xp stack with g altars? idk i dont think it did last time. read up on it, cause I'm pretty sure it doesn't stack.


when is the double exp lol


i'm wondering the same thing. nothing on homepage.


Good chance 4 me to get ovls. Yea i would get turmoil tbh


double exp has never stacked for gilded alters rip m8


double exp usually dont work with using bones on g altar, so dont use on prayer its only like a 10% boost

but turmoil owns btw


xp weekend is 11 march and the double xp doesnt work on altar L..


GF Life? Nah ill just work up bank or buy shit online ;).


Don't spend your bank on turm, its not worth it. You gotta remember after you spendĀ  140-145m on bones and maybe 5m-7m on quest and quest reqs you also gotta buy pk gear. Mystic, adamant etc. Just saying :)


you dont like failed pures yet you're willing to get 30 defence? 30 defence is probably the worst build around. You're gonna get beat around by rune pures with like 5 less strength levels/venge/bgloves/rune armor


pretty sure that

1) they don't stack

2) big bones are cheaper and not a whole lot slower, might wanna look into those

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