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Prayer question


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hi im currently 60 att and most likely staying at 60 and was wondering if i maxed out my mage rng str and hp what prayer level is the best if all i will be doing is 1v1 with very little to no multi pking. All advice and tips are appreciated  :) and if you think 60 att isnt the right choice for 1v1 i dont mind your thoughts on the best att lvl for 1v1ing at edge thx  :D





pick one ^^ 13 isnt so bad if u go non+1 worlds, low combat and u can still use +10% strength

Id go for 13 actually


im atm  :( got 15 from dt and avas 16 kinda looks bad but i got the att bonus and at 60 att if i maxed out everything 13 or 16 pray id still be 78 cb should i just stay 16?


Stay 16 sir.


13 IMO Use the boosts halfway through your food.


so u think 16 isnt fail? i think its kinda ugly but if im same cb as 13 pray i think its fine


Stay 16, or if you do want protection prays, get 44.


get 13, and virus- stay 16. :)


so u think 16 isnt fail? i think its kinda ugly but if im same cb as 13 pray i think its fine

I'm 13 it sucks not to have an accumulator. When you start range training you won't regret 16.


ok ty guys i wasnt sure if 16 was fail but u guys make it feel like it was worth it  :) 16 it is lol mabye i could get that fire cape to with 16 apparently if a kid with 22 pray can. O and for all you ppl with 13pray i was just wondering is it possible for u to start restless ghost and just get the ammy then start animal magnetism and finish the quest for the accumalator without finishing restless ghost?


44 is best in my opinion but others say 52


ok ty guys i wasnt sure if 16 was fail but u guys make it feel like it was worth it  :) 16 it is lol mabye i could get that fire cape to with 16 apparently if a kid with 22 pray can. O and for all you ppl with 13pray i was just wondering is it possible for u to start restless ghost and just get the ammy then start animal magnetism and finish the quest for the accumalator without finishing restless ghost?

Nah ;(


I don't know about 52, because it ain't too much use anymore


i think you should stay at 16 too, id rather have stayed low prayer but not as low as 1 sinz  :lol: id have gone for 13 like alex said but i think now you're 16 keep it ;)


31 doesnt hurt if u dont want to train str past 92-95

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