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RUSHERz going for the AGS.

R U S H E Rz

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R U S H E Rz

Hey FOE,

Watching keanen/dutch lmfao's ags vids made me want one hard. So ive resumed hunting to 80/83 so i can catch dragon imps, which ive gotton 2 sets of claws on my main by doing this. This is just a progress thread to keep myself knowing what im doing and stuff.

Heres my current wealth:

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Will update every week or so.

Acheivements sofar:

78/80 Hunter
87/90 Strength (Getting 90 before i pk with it too)

Thanks and wish me luck!

R U S H E Rz

First update:

-100k to hunter level (79)

Also every 40EP i get (which is the max you can get in a non-hotspot) i go do a 76k trick (i hunt chins in pvp) and this was the outcome of my first one.

Posted Image

Pricecheck: 23.5M


Gl, keep going :) and try and keep this thread alive i wanna see you updating this, looks intresting :)


Good luck on the moneyz


You can actually get higher than 40 EP in non-hotspot. There may have been and update but when i bandited my str, i got up to 57% EPĀ  :unsure2:

R U S H E Rz

9 9 X M 4 G E really? Ill stay for longer and try it, thanks.

Thanks for al the support sofar, ill be getting the 80 hunter today then drag imps will get me a few mill a day.



im in full support of this man, gl :)

R U S H E Rz

Thanks Wutang lol, once i got claws lets dm again :)

Gage-Nz Bloods

Gl Mate Will be cool to see anotehr gser not claws mate :)


gl dude just no life hunting and ull have enough and 99 hunter :P


rusherz man if you get it better vid you pking with it and im gonna cheer lead w00t lol <3

Keyblader Jr

good luck man i might follow your footsteps to get one


lumbridge teletab

R U S H E Rz

Craig im not FOE anymore if you didnt realise, and i still do honour pk. I was 76king with 6,666,666GP on me? Tru dat.

Edit: 79 Hunter, 1 more to go!! 107K xp till 80.


Nice job so far, good luck man.

R U S H E Rz

Thanks for the support sofar everyone :)

Update: Just hit 80 hunter and am going Dragon Imp hunting! Will upload the picture of the first one i catch, and what my first inventory is worth!!

Edit: Nvm didnt get time to screenie D IMP or soem 120 would have caught it, but i made 700k in an hour. Also if anyone sees a drag anyone just PM me on irc and ill be there ASAP.


good luck. while u hunt i advise merching too. will make it quicker to ur ags (:

R U S H E Rz

Posted Image

Going claw pking atm, got 34M total currently!

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