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Quick Question


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Haven't played RS in a few months; since last summer. Wasn't a super srs player or any shit like that, just enjoyed pking occasionally but mainly skilling. Wanna come back to the game but not sure which account to use. Got these two:

Acc. 1

"Rune pure"- Quested up to mith gloves. Has access to handcannon and other useful rune pure things. Typical rune pure/rune ranger account. Would have barrows gloves if I wanted to do more quests. 75 QP. Full unholy book.


Acc. 2 106 combat

Typical 75 defence account. Has some void, 165 QP, has a lot of nice quest items, etc. Was hacked and hacker spent my dung tokens on G2H so don't have much there. Has veng also which is pretty great.


I probably have like 4 or 5m cash total since most of it was taken off by a hacker a few months ago (which is why I quit.)

Thinking about making a range tank seeing as those look pretty fucking powerful now.

Thinking somethin like 60atk/75 str/75 def/90 range/74 prayer/94 mage/80 hp @93 or so combat. Going out with rigour and other essentials.



sell your 2 accounts for gp and then make new range tank


How could I go about doing that? Haven't been on powerbot or sythe in ages, so I have no reputation as a legit seller. I'd trust someone from here probably if they've been around a while but other than that got no idea.


might aswell start over and stay 1 def

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