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80/99 Hunting log

Foe 4 Life

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Hi Foe

My name is Syd, I am 16 and live in London, England. I used to be in this clan a while back on my old account (Teh crayfish) doubt many people will remember me as I was only in Foe for about 6 weeks due to my account being locked for someone who kept hacking my account and it stayed locked a while, now it's unlocked and someone else has it lol. I tried re-joining on an account called Uk Pkay, I got into Foe fa and stupidly got defence about a month later. So, here I am again hoping to join sooner or later, 3rd time lucky. I am currently trying to get 99 hunter to make some decent cash first. I think I'll get 90 then get reqs for Foe fa atleast. So, here is my hunter log.

Currently just got 80 hunter :)

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Check the name ;) cool right :P

Thanks for your time also, will be hoping to get to know alot more people etc, would appreciate it if you added me also.


ok nice im 84 hunter atm going for 99 as well, why do you have 15k chins tho, i dont think its 15k chin from 63-80?

and sure ill add you, gl :)


of course i remember u syd ;)

didnt u also have an account name something like uk pure? dont rly remember.

good luck man


wow dude do u remember me my rsn was virus i met you and your twin back in the old while around 50-60 combat. I used to pk with you and ur twin with my friend pur3 fli6ht those were the times


of course i remember u syd ;)

didnt u also have an account name something like uk pure? dont rly remember.

good luck man

Yeah, uk pkay :)


Did Moe quit..?


Good Luck. Im getting 99 hunter also. 96 atm. been going for it a little over a week now.

Nice name also. :D

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