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FOE vs FI F2P Prep


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Topic By Dan


Videos of the Prep:







Round 1

FOE Starting 35

FI Starting 35

FOE defended in round 1. FI started with bows out and gradually came into the trees. Scims right out on top of them enabled us to drop them very fast as they kept range prayer up for the whole round where as there was a minimal amount of FOE members sniping and they were the ones who were out of food or close to none. FI tried rushing outside of the trees to try pull it back but we followed them out to finish up round 1.

FOE Ending 25

FI Ending 0


Round 2

Round 2 and FOE attacked. We attacked with bows whilst FI had range prayer up. Both clans were clumped in the trees with best weapons out with the majority of people praying range. We lost this round to FI due to them being the better tankers and pilers on their defending round.


Round 3

FOE Starting 41

FI Starting 41

FOE were the first to attack in the PKRI as we sent one of most noble elders out into Fatalities mist. After they had killed him, the rushed west towards where FOE was dd'd with corrupts and gravites out, being our suprise attack. With all of FI praying range on the run in, we were straight on top of the with melee and they had not a single clue what was going on. FOE clumped up perfectly with melee dropping FI quickly and as a clan. FI moved off north-east but FOE followed on keeping the pressure on them and by then FOE were up a good 20 numbers clearing the rest of the remaining FI winning the prep 2-1. Gf FI, ty for the prep.

FOE Ending 36

FI Ending 0


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Don't forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!

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gj but isnt this topic supposed to be in clan discussion section with our past prep topics  :embarrased:

i still dont know how we won 3rd l0l

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