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Get attack up or not?


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Ok, im 23def, 60 attack, 73str, 82mage, 80 range, 44 pray, im just wondering, most initate pures have a gs or whip etc, but im not sure about whether to get one or not, briggsy said that its best to stay low combat so as i dont get the mains but im still unsure, any help or advice would be appreciate ;) thanksĀ  ^_^


how many topics have you made and 23 def=fail. might as well make a new pure


23def isnt fail, elven dremor is 25 def? loads of other ppl to so not quite but i also got a 1 def pure in the making atmĀ  :D


Stay 60, your stats are quite low for 20 defence so adding 10 more attack levels wont help imo.


Stay at 60 attack until you are at least 90 strength.


how many topics have you made and 23 def=fail. might as well make a new pure

Dont be a prick..

id say stay 60 att mate.. concentrate on 1 thing for a while get a stat up to like 85 just to give urself a goal, i wouldnt want to raise any more cb levels with att if i had 23 def ;l

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