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Should i get these levels.


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Simple yes or no.

Current skills

60 attack

99 str

99 mage

82 range

43 prayer

86 hp

skills to be:

75 attack

99 str

99 mage

99 range

44 prayer

90 hp

I woukd spend time saving enough money for AGS, although would a BGS still be good in wildy? or should i stick with 60 attack and get claws if all i can afford is a BGS. Have your say.


yes if you can afford it. meaning using whips, ss, ags, bgs etc..

if not, then stick with 60 attack


is BGS worth getting 75 attack for?


is BGS worth getting 75 attack for?

Not at all. Wait till you can afford AGSĀ  :victory:

ok cheers looks like ill stick with 60 attack and get claws until i can afford ags :)

Dave (Cha0s)

Work that range up to atleast 90 first dude :)


Yes , only if u can afford ags.

Going Pking3

Stay 60, but still get 99 range.

Smited B O W

hmm, ok. I am a pure, combat 81 and im maxed appart from hp (91 atm).

I am 60 attack and my experience of 75 attack people is that whenever i fight then they totaly rip through my defence. like completely own me. BUT all i need to to is pull out s spec weapon and they are dropped.

This is my experience on like 3 bgs targs and 1 ags and i think i hig quite high on the ags i was on the front foot so his spec was almost on full hp for me. 4-0 to me.

SOOOOOOOOO, basically what im saying is that gs isnt worth it unless you have had d claws and or got totaly bored of 60 attack, bearing in mind with ags you will be fighting people with defence 45-70


thanks for the help


Don't get 75 attack even if you can afford an ags. The added combat levels aren't worth it and ags pking gets boring after the first few 60 ko's. Keep 60 attack but get 99 range, if you want an over-powered weapon just buy claws.


If I could afford AGS or something, shit i'd get 75 attack no probs

Shh I R Busy

Definatly get 44 pray, i rekon you should max


stay 60 att and get 99 range.


Yeah id stay 60 attack get claws if you get bored of it and once you have enough you can level it up if you so choose

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