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I watched it and was a really good piece. But I have heard many things about this non profit so I am unsure about supporting it

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I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this video coming up in their news feed


There are so many quality funny memes about this its unreal.

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I swear the first time I saw this poster I thought he was like a presidential canidate or something


was like who? ron paul 2012 fgts

but ye

I guess if they arrest his ass thts gud, though I heard it's some kind of scam for the creators to make money. Don't really care enuff to look much into it.

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not being funny right, but don't they have there own government to deal with this? they must surely know about him if hes done it to over 30k people.... This is how wars start, other people interfering, there's always one wanker who does it...

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I thought it was a powerful video, but the LRA or whatever isn't even a dent on what's happening in that country, or in any other country, so why everyones SPAMMING ME TO FUCKING SHITE about it on Twitter/Facebook whatever, just to deal with one bloke is beyond me.

Once he's gone they still have another dozen, and that's just for that country, so yanno what, it's inspirational, but i don't gi' a fuck actually. The jokes and meme's being released are fucking hilarious though.

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