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Walking Dead


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So when Rick killed Shane (rip kid ty4loot), he came back as a zambie. But when was Shane ever infected?

Here's what I think. The virus is airborne, therefore everyone is infected > Getting bit only brings on the fever which kills you faster.

I also think that's what Jenner told Rick when they were leaving the CDC.

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No. When Shane and Rick were dropping that kid off at the place and then got ambushed by zombies, Shane was in the bus alone killing zombies. He was stabbing zombies and cutting his hand to smear blood on the wall, whilst doing that he infected himself.

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no...ur all wrong....

the episode when shane and odis went to the school to get the dephibulater, he got scratched, thats why when at the beginning of the episode when he was shaving his head, and then at the end of the episode its the same scene of him shaving his head, u see the scratch mark on his scalp.

then it becomes pretty obvious in the episode when rick and shane r dropping that 1 kid off at that 1 place with the police zombies, they make the remark " hey they havnt been bit" and they figure " ya but see they got scratched on the neck and the cheek, they must have got infected that way" rick then turns away while shane keeps starring, probably thinking " i got scratched, this is what i will become" also the scenes in those episodes when shane is looking out the car window, looking at the lone zombie walking in the tall grassy field, probably just contemplating that this is what he will soon become.

same example in last sundays ep. when shane draged the kid out into the forest and strangled him or w.e, the zombie that 1 hick hunter and glen run into was the kid, and he was a zombie, most likely from scratches that shane gave him because the kid was also not bit.

Edited by W3
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Here's what I think. The virus is airborne, therefore everyone is infected > Getting bit only brings on the fever which kills you faster.

I also think that's what Jenner told Rick when they were leaving the CDC.

Daaaamn nigga u smart

But ye, ending was brilliant, can't wait for next season

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