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Need some Help


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Ok so I'm having some trouble desiding what to spend my 34mil on that I worked all summer for.

My stats are:

60 Attack

82 Strength

1 Defence

78 Range

52 Prayer

79 Magic

Any idea's? I had Dragon claws and tbh I just think there not worth the 30Mil, there kinda over rated.

Some idea's where alching 85 Magic(please don't suggest 94 I hate alching) Or maybe chinning 94+

Range(need tips)

Please comment

Its zeh noob

Items: Claws/Bgs/Ranger set

Cmb skills: Bandits/Skelys/Stuns/Bursting/Chinnign

Non cmb skills: /Herb/Smithing/Farming/Fletching/Firemaking/And more...

Or try to merch and do all these things :)


Id go with claws myself dont really think there overrated there actually over powered.


Dragon claws are just good for defence noobs. I like the classic dragon dagger, Some new idea's

chinning with grey chins or getting 90 strength then doing bandits till 99 with ppots.


first, i would train cmb skills.

82 to 99 str using pots at bandits

78 to 90 range using chinchompas

79 to 94 mage alchin

Thats just wat i would do with 34 mill :).


get 85 strength

stock up on p pots / super str and attack pots

and bandits all the way through to 99 strength :)

Austin|Vile Maul

a. Use money for alchs.  B. Make more money with it while gaining Mage exp by tabbing or orbing


Do some alching or banditing or something


Just do mage and range, if your willing to use up alot of cash you could do bursting/stunning :O

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