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Kidz On Wiz

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Kidz On Wiz

Went to bed last night left irc logged in came on this morning and I'm banned? not sure why but if anyone knows how to get unbanned please tell me :)


You might be in a channel that's banned people from joining foe's irc, try leaving all channels and rejoining it. If that doesn't work your best bet is to PM a halfop or op to unban you.

Kidz On Wiz

Tried the first part you said no luck and how do I pm a hafop when I can't get in the channel ?


uhh maybe ur nick is unregistered? idk if they have +r on irc but that makes it so only registered nicks can join. If it is registered i would pm a op/halfop you can do that by typing /Query NAME....u can prob find their irc nicks on the forums if they edited their profile with it >.>

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