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[Guide] How to Lure Green Dragon Bots to Revs


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Good video, but why would i do that?

I dont see what you/i gain from killing them?


Good video, but why would i do that?

I dont see what you/i gain from killing them?

its in my sig lol, i want the 5k hood and some people do it for gp. like tito :)

Its zeh noob

Seems like alot of effort for a few kills, wouldnt barraging then farcasting 1 itemers be quicker? Seems there are only 1 itemers left in the wildy anyway.


nice little guide there


thanks, pretty useful


Seems like alot of effort for a few kills, wouldnt barraging then farcasting 1 itemers be quicker? Seems there are only 1 itemers left in the wildy anyway.

this 10 times funner tho :)


dont c pooint in having rev kill them when u can just tb and kill


Too much effort, but nice guide.


you guys just lazy lol, this way more funner then just killing a bot lol


If you do this on a high bot world, you can get like 20 at a time.


I prefer tbing the bots thats use the wildy portals for my amusment, but i dont get kills that way :|


That's cool, will try


Nice way to lure 'em but they dont really risk =/

Would be epic if you could get them to skull too lol

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