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First up, we’ve added a tool belt for use in Dungeoneering. Much like its surface world counterpart, this will automatically be filled with all basic tools, as well as a novite pickaxe and hatchet. You’ll also be able to add higher-level tools to your Dungeoneering tool belt when you find them, effectively allowing you to carry around the best pickaxes and hatchets you can without costing you inventory space.

Keys will be automatically shared between all party members. When any player picks up a key, everyone else in their party will have access to it through a new “keys” category in their Dungeoneering tool belt. Gone will be the days where a key gets lost in your teammate’s inventory, because as long as someone’s picked it up, everyone will be able to use it.

Basic resources found in Dungeoneering, such as ore, logs and raw food, will stack, meaning more capacity for the eager artisans in your party. All stackable resources, as well as coins, will also have a “Drop-X” option, allowing stacks to be split.

3 minute dungeons with 150k fishing xp/h, looking forward to it.


Woah sick

I agree, I can't wait to get 99 Dungeoneering on my pure :D. This update will change Dungeoneering drastically.


Can't wait to do some 5 min larges :biggrin:

Smited B O W

inb4 bu11/turn/he11 ect do like 2-4 min floors.


this update made my dick hard. That wrong?


might actually dung now ;o

Bloody Goon

It wont speed it up THAT much. Few minutes each dung


at high dung level teams this wont change alot, but for the majority, this gonna help out alot.

No excuses for anyone to not get chaotics now with all floors sub 25!!

Diable Jambe

woah, didnt know this, i might start doing them legit now


woah, didnt know this, i might start doing them legit now

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