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Foe Cleares Pop x2 - 25 v 30+ - P2P PkRI's and 3-0 Zenith F2P Prep


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To start out this glorious Tuesday evening, we started out with a 2 hour long Midweek Pk Trip like we do everyday, and PoP ended up coming out with over 30 people, ready for some action. Apparently they had a 30 min mass pkri for CP which CP bailed out of, upon hearing this we gathered our soldiers and made ready to war, even knowing we'd be outopted by near 10 people..giving up a chance to hit some pures in our server is almost unheard of in FOE.



^^ Dan's, I just simply took the clips through on some shit to make it shiny and some music.

^^ R4p1dz, Fight 2.


We started this off by hitting POP at 50 ports , from there we quickly dropped members of POP, even being outopted by 10 people at the time and then CP members (CP had like 5 or something) and Nexus, along with several 120s rushed in so we booked it out of there with our loot before it became a 4 way rag fest. This fight was by far the lamest one tbh, watch the video at the top for the other two.


These next two fights could easily be described as - GWAS - and simply outshowing our opponent in P2P warring. The video for these 2 is defo worth to watch.


Second fight with them, we had gone back up to gdz after banking and then heard pop was done with the mains as well and was making an escape attempt into maze to regroup and get away from the raggers at 50s. We quickly rushed in and used the hill advantage and sheer mage strength to gwas them from the top of new gate hill, while about 15 of them were clumped at the bottom. All of them died, it's on vid btw.



3rd fight was easily the greatest victory of tonight. We logged in at the same time as pop and basically had a massive barrage fest within water maze, I'm almost positive FOE defeated over 30 POP while losing NO ONE, hard to believe but check the video yeah.











Thanks for the fights POP, always delicious fights to be had with you guys :)


Next up we had a '30 min' F2P Prep with Zenith, turned out to be around ~25v25, with FOE pulling 35. Everything was on for this and FOE took the 3-0.


Videos - All Legit Vidders, can't really tell you which one is best lol

^ Tiffer


^ Josh/Farmoil

^ TractorJoey - good calling this prep btw.


ROUND 1 - Was real close, was back and forth; soccer team, all fight until the single digits. Both the main callers from each clan got taken out as 1st piles, so was interesting ;p. Joe n Puppet got da big time blackup tho :)

Foe Starting - 26

Zenith Starting - 26

Foe Ending - 10

Zenith Ending - 0

ROUND 2 - We hybrided their prayers and were very accurate with our pushes and piles. headshots left n right

Foe Starting - 25

Zenith Starting - 25

Foe Ending - 21

Zenith Ending - 0

ROUND 3 - Me and joe tried going hard at a diff direction but no1 fell for it, kind of sucked. Controlled the fight.

Foe Starting - 28

Zenith Starting - 28

Foe Ending - 17

Zenith Ending - 0


Was a fun pk trip and an awesome prep. Look forward to more pk run ins with POP, as FOE pks every day and has been for over a month. #midweek. Thanks for the prep Z


Edited by Kyle
Ya i am Good

you guys are the owners good job

Game Central

Good Job Boys.


who the fuck is pop?


who the fuck is pop?

some yellow hat massers rly, been around since xmas or so lol

;p was there had fun


good shit niglets


Was ownage


hahaha i love on the 2nd vid "wheres venuz, that traitor"


Gj to all who attended and Vidded. :wink:


Was fun :happy:

I'ma have to vid the future ones

Was lagging a bit this time round

Foe pride


Great Job with the Prep and owning Pop boys, Also Gj Dan and R4p1dz for vidding us raping Pop and Gj Tiffer, Josh and Joe for vidding the prep.


gj vidding guys


lets just say pop will be the best one day

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