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Should i get defence???

Impact Red

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I am working on making a chaotic pure and I got 2 defence on accident from a polypore staff.... :wacko:

I havn't applied for the clan yet and I am just wondering if i should get defence or not..

99 mage

99 range

55 prayer

91 constitution

88 strength 80 attack

and 84 combat


srry wrong topic...

Posted (edited)

Nah, 2 defence is fine. I will move your topic to 'Rs Q&A'

Edited by Kyle

dont pures are so much fun!


if u can train ur str up rlly quick n get 95 pray then u should go 30 :)


wtf no.

2 def is nice.


yea man, i got def and it was the best decision i ever made. with def so much more of the game is open to you and pking is more fun/way better loots


Only get def if you're getting turmoil


why give up an acc just cus of 2 def lol

also why 55 prayer

Diable Jambe

2 Def isnt a big deal, stay 2 def unless you got money for turm :D


Apply for FOE

2 def is fine

I'M 17 DEF


stay pure, most people regret going zerk

Well Played


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