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FOE vs. CP F2P Prep


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Made by Foe Ollie

This Thursday we arranged to have a F2P Prep against CP. After massing for just 30 minutes, FOE pulled 45 compared to CP's 30. Having to drop our numbers did not hinder us in any way though as we managed to successfully pull off two consecutive wins and get the 2-0 up that we were after. These two rounds were on the Classic map and we were based around the eastern flag for the majority of the 2nd round.

FOE decided to defend in the first round at the eastern flag and we held this spot for the majority of the fight, except for when we dragged out west slightly then pushed back into our original DD spot with scims. This push was effective for us and we held the fight with a couple opts more than CP for the rest of the round.

The 2nd round was our attacking round and CP chose to defend in the eastern trees by the jail. We also took control of this round.

2-0 Up.

The 3rd Round was supposed to be a run-in however CP were adamant that they were not going to move from the North Eastern bone. After a bit of discussion at our end, we finally decided to run-in with bows, ignoring the fact they they were actually defending, and clump up around the bone. We then pulled scims and got a few quick KO's however at this point a few of our members had spread.

In the end FOE won 2-1.



Foe Ollie:



Round 1 Winner Foe

Foe Starting: 28

Cp Starting: 28

Foe Ending: 6

Cp Ending: 0

Round 2 Winner Foe

Foe Starting: 27

Cp Starting: 27

Foe Ending: 21

Cp Ending: 0

Round 3 Winner Cp

Foe Starting: 27

Cp Starting: 27

Foe Ending: 0

Cp Ending: ~20

Final Score: Foe 2 - Cp 1


As always, thanks for the Prep. A lot our newer members, as well as our experienced, tanked well and held their ground. This won it for us in the first two rounds as they did not get pushed away from our original spot. This was a pretty close prep and we hope to expect more preps in the future.

Thanks for reading :]


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Don't forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!

Edited by Ollie
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Good prep lads.

The listening was top notch. Only thing that could've been better was winning the 3rd round but we did good considering they pretty much defended.

Good job to everyone who attended.

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Guest Tederick

Was there first round and was 1 of the last 6 alive. Had to go after the first round glad that we came out with a victory :)

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