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Most Bad Ass Account in Runescape


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Rapage Account  :lmao:

20 Att, 20 Def, 99 Str, 31 Pray, 80 Hp:

(12:37:19) -[FL]RuneScript- *** [ CMB-EST ]: Level 67.425 [Melee] ASDHRPMU: 20 99 20 80 1 31 1 1

Posted Image

I used addy gloves instead of regen bracelet because they have same str bonus but regen bracelet isn't on the calculator (or at least I didn't see it).

If the berserker ring was imbued the max would be 51  ^_^

Oh yeah, it can get 80 range and mage and still be the same combat level  <3

Dave (Cha0s)

I think alot of people have considered that kinda account dude, Would be immense=p



You would rarely die with 20 defence and that epic of defence bonus + your ability to 2 hit anyone your level at any time lol

Fuck thats pro.. whos is that ;l


Wow Epic Account!  Epic pking account wish I had an account like that would be siik


Fuck thats pro.. whos is that ;l

Idk if there is one..there probably is though

godly bliss

blue pwndz

n0ta - fucked his acc up


look up n0ta on utube he has vids, hes 60 attack pure now but he was beast in that. Also mith gloves are only possible with 20 atk dont ask me why it just isnt im sure.


look up n0ta on utube he has vids, hes 60 attack pure now but he was beast in that. Also mith gloves are only possible with 20 atk dont ask me why it just isnt im sure.

He knows, thats why he said use regen, but regen isn't on that gear calc thing, and addy is same str bonus as regen.

Would be good acc, but take a long time to make.


Been done by n0ta ... He got attack up cause Statius is too costly to maintain. Unless you ge merchant you shouldn't think about getting 20 defence.


Expensive but decent account

Its zeh noob


You would rarely die with 20 defence and that epic of defence bonus + your ability to 2 hit anyone your level at any time lol

Fight a few fights and then it breaks down, and when you actually do kill alot of people jagex rapes you because your ep will always be around 0.

Not worth it, unless you find a blue party hat in a birds nest while woodcutting.

X No Mercy O

That would wreck people, and ya can only have mith gloves at 20 attack because for MM gotta do grand tree/tree gnome village which give like.. 30 attack or something, but its higher then 20


21:12 <@Slee> @stats haha fail

21:12 <+[CA]RuneScript> *** [HAHA FAIL ]: Overall 968 | Def 78 | Str 99 | HP 75 | Range 64 | Magic 61 | Fishing 76 | Crafting 44 | Agility 32 | Thieving 65 | Slayer 55 | Hunter 99

73 combat, ownage


That would wreck people, and ya can only have mith gloves at 20 attack because for MM gotta do grand tree/tree gnome village which give like.. 30 attack or something, but its higher then 20

Did you even read the whole post?Wow...

nice..big risk there tho


mate has acc like this, put it failed lol

X No Mercy O

nvm just gonna stop here. k account would rape.



You would rarely die with 20 defence and that epic of defence bonus + your ability to 2 hit anyone your level at any time lol

its not that you die, its that the corrupt stuff is gone in 15min.

and i think u may be able to get addy gloves? do the nature spirit one? since u are getting def and pray.  idk but correct me if im wrong.



You would rarely die with 20 defence and that epic of defence bonus + your ability to 2 hit anyone your level at any time lol

its not that you die, its that the corrupt stuff is gone in 15min.

and i think u may be able to get addy gloves? do the nature spirit one? since u are getting def and pray.  idk but correct me if im wrong.

You might be right

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