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Is it wrong that i..

x Kruijsse

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Ok, so i was in the clan chat earlier, (public clearly), and yeah, i'm aware there are a lot of loud retards in there.

But i stated that i play runescape at work haha.

And a few guys had a stroke and called me a sad twat ^.^

So, i work in a warehouse, (im an ebay powerseller) besides the point.

And i have my own office, and had a runescape client minimized 99% of the time, just fishing lobbbieesss, is that wrong?

i'm not quite so sure it is..... :)


you must enjoy runescape

or really hate work


Passes time... 4 clicks every 10 minutes. no harm snm :)


There used to be a few people in Foe that played at work.. :D


it's wrong that you made a topic about this >.<


it's wrong that you made a topic about this >.<


it's wrong that you made a topic about this >.<


As long as you don't get caught I guess it's fine.


rofl u twat


I'm feeling all the support lads :)


dont mix business and pleasure (if rs is pleasure for you)


Right & wrong are irrelevant don't let nobody tell yah what to do.


Don't worry about it.. ;)


<3 codie.


go ol' fishing lobbies for pk trip


Naah lol, for the sake of it + 90 fishing random goal...


Meh, if i could sit on my arse and play runescape for £28k a year instead of actually doing my work I'd do it.


work is a xp waste. so no it is not bad


It's wrong in the sense that you shouldn't really be playing RS at work I guess.


I think you shouldnt be playing runescape at your work.

Do it in your spare time, even if you click once a 5 minutes you should not do this at work..

(Yes I know people know I was scaping at school fuck off it was bad of me ok)


i understand in that environment, but if you were like working at like a supermarket and you went into the backroom to play rs or on your break or something that would be a different story lol.

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