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Runescape Pick-Up lines


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Was bored today so I decided to make this topic as it will allow me to meet new people and just have a laugh with the community

Runescape Pick-Up Lines

Alright. Runescape Pick-Up lines. Judging by how mature this community is, I expect that the replies will be quite entertaining. The way it works is that you guys have to post a Runescape pick up line with your name after it so I can order it in the list below.

Once again idk if this is a stupid topic and that it might die in like 3 days, however if it does continue it would give me another thing to do on this forum as a sort of hobby. Maybe someone will be so nice to make this a sticky (which I highly doubt).

Pick-Up lines:

1. Is ur dad 99 slayer coz he slayed my arse hole- Jamie

2. are you training mage cause you are stunning- One Flame

3. are u 99 hunter because you caught my eye- NxJr

4.Do you have 99 thieving? Because you stole my heart. - Tony (He has more but hes a jew so i didnt post them)

5. Are you 99 range cause you've hit my bullseye - Venuz

6. You're so fat you weigh more than your total level - JJ

7. Fuck Romeo and Juliet, Baby... Let's make our own quest ;)- End Notice (Guest)

8. bitch you best be 99 cooking - Ikz

9. Pull your dragon plateskirt down before i shoot you in the head with my chaotic crossbow, bitch. - You R Ded

10. Excuse me miss, but my Longsword needs a sheathe. - End Notice

11. You can blow me in edgevil, we can us this Glory-...hole.- W3 Money

12. I got 99 defence baby, enough protection for the whole night ;)- dannyhz

13. you must work for jagex you suck a good dick - plex

14. I'm 99 dung. I wanna explore all of you.

Are you 99 agil? cuz ur running around my mind all day- joshyz0rz

15.Lets go to corp and hope ur pants are a rare drop- delta papa

16. are your parents 99 cooking because they baked such a cutiepie<333- Dutchieees

Will continue this list if it is succesful


Edited by Diizzy
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Do you have 99 thieving? Because you stole my heart.

Getting 99 prayer was worth it, because here you are!

I have 99 hunter because I've been stalking you for some time now.

Do you have 99 farming? Because you've got something of mine growing (XD)

I have 99 smithing, know what that means? That means I can bang long and good.

I have 99 agility... Nuff said.

Do you have 99 strength? Because I feel a strong connection between us!

I was training on hill giants today, but then I was thinking how much more I would like to be on your giant hills.

Do you have 99 mage? Because you have a spell on me!

Ima Baller W1 Lumb....

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Excuse me miss, but my Longsword needs a sheathe.

I'd catch a grenwall for ya.... Handle 64 waves for yaaaa.... I'd jump in front of Dd's for yaaaaa "bruno mars song :P"

If you work for it, you can have my white knights all over your chest.

I think pick uplines are lame... Wanna see my skillcape of humping?

I'm sure you get this alot... but if you where a slayer monster i'd rapier you all night long

Yea pickpocketing has done me well... but the real xp is when I use my teeth... care to learn?

I have no fucking work to do, so I'm sitting in my office typing "rs pick up lines" when i'm not even a member of the community. Did I mention i drive a mercedes, and my fingers are ridiculously strong from the amount of times i've clicked in my career?

lol sorry i was bored :P

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Do you have 99 strength? Because I feel a strong connection between us!

I have 99 crafting so i know a gem when i see one

Do you have 99 farming because u can have my seed.

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I got 99 defence baby, enough protection for the whole night ;)

You got 99 thieving? Because I just lost my virginity

You req. 99 fletching to make this size of a condom.

You got 99 firemaking? You got my heart on fire baby ;)

I really liked the first ahha took me a long time to make it up

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4.Do you have 99 thieving? Because you stole my heart. - Tony (He has more but hes a jew so i didnt post them)

should of posted this 1, its the best.

I have 99 agility... Nuff said.

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