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Dung Weapons


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Alright heres the thing. I am a 21 defence intiate pure, with 75 attack, 81 str, 88 range and 94 mage. Im working towards 80 dungeoneering atm, but idk which dung weapon to get.

Should I get 80 attack and get rapier/maul, or stay 75 attack and get cbow/cstaff.

Tell me ur opinions

Ty Diiizzy


You should get 80 attack with chaotic maul. then train strength.


Yeah i would say the same as Shivan tbh :) i got maul first and loved it =p


u shouldnt be n-ranging in any foe events so i would get staff/stream if i were u ATM...but if u train and get 80 atk higher str/range and get more chaotics like ccb/maul then yeh go for maul...if your doing it to pk get maul


idk hw long its gonna take to get 90 str :/

Ranger Ltu21

you should get 80attack and take rapier. this is the easiest way to train strength. moreover , rapier is fkin awesome wep :p you just wont really need maul. Not talking about cbow and staff.


i Should Say Arcane stream and chaotic staff becuz in preps and stuff u need prolly need to mage <3


and yeh dont take maul just take if u dont wanna take arcane stream and chaotic staff a Chaotic rapier it's good for pking and pro exp while training str


i got 75 attack so ima go with stream first most likely


80attack and maul


train ur other stats before getting a chaotic tbh jeez


fuck magician, get the chaotic maul its fun as fuck

Its zeh noob

rapier then train str and then get maul.

Rapier is best dps(damage per second) for training by far.


maul for st8 rippin in wild


maul is probs the funnest


I would get 80 attack since you're already 75 and then get a rapier or maul, whichever you prefer.


intiate pures STRONG

id say a rapier and a maul after since u can use rapier for training to


either train str to 90 and get maul or get staff + stream


ya working on 90 strength

bandits or mm tunnels?


get stream and rapier, sol is a great substitute for cstaff and rapier will be good for str training


i dont really care what you buy, just bein total honest with u

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