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Opinion on Wilderness now?

Faux Auri

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The wildy seems dead. Ironically, a lot of people supported this drastic change to RS, and it seems like it's turned out for the worse. What are your thoughts on this and do you still pk? Rag? Rush?



i pk with max str on a 60 attk pure in edgeville

it's fun tbh


I don't think its dead, i still have fun edge pking and hybriding.


I dont pk to often anymore tbh - only fun for me on this game is safe clan wars fights. Enjoyable win or lose imo.


Only worlds I can pk in are 124 and 137.

Not only that it sucks enough that I am the only pure around risk worlds and with 102 CMB,

rune pure's wont fight me unless I risk at least 2M when they hardly have 500K on them.

What comes to high level wild, it's dead.

Been surfing around the worlds and haven't found a single soul there,

when years back i wasn't a surprise to catch some noobs on there.

Update on Wilderness was a success IMO, it laggs way less than it did before that update,

and significantly increased the FPS's.

Jagex just has to start promoting Wilderness in new ways to make it work again. :)


i think its still fun. you just need to switch it up a bit. like switch off pking on your main then on your pure.


muti pking is where its at


i edge pk/Stake there. = Bank


muti pking is where its at


w124 or 137

otherwise wildy is shit except for multi trips

R 4 P 1 D Z

i like pking but the raggers and pjers ughhhhh...


no 1 pk multi


It's w/e mostly annoying


jagex is gonna put something in the wildy that will make it worth for more people to come in. Honestly you could see the Bloodworm tree idea was the start of it imo...


Well, when talk of the wilderness coming back started everyone just assumed that everything was going to being like 2007 where you fought and died when you were out to show respect. But little did we know that the influx of twelve year olds that have created accounts on this game would enjoy ragging anyone who is set out to have a nice brid fight at pure hill or tb and soa any main that wants to Dh.

Now the wild is dead and they are mad.


I don't mind it, just wish there was more people around everywhere and less kids who just sit around and only wanna fight people that are super shit & less kids who cry about risk.


I used to edge pk all the time, but I got sick and tired of getting dds'd by 1 itemers. So i gave up on that. I multi pk and single pk at easts and wests now. That's about it.


i only pk with foe :/



Teh Combos

edge pking was fun at first, but now i don't even bother with it anymore, it's not fun when you've got raggers pjing you all the time.

Easts or multi seem to be the way to go tbh, but it is kinda getting dead..


Too many raggers/rushers/pjers/1 itemers; I stay away from wildi other then pk trips.


i still like it!

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