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Did i make the right decision? :s

True Ko

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So when i made this pure I was looking forward to a nice 60 atk pure (since i already had a 75 atk pure who got resetted and a 75 atk initiate pure)

Yesterday i had:

  • 60 atk
  • 82 str
  • 2def
  • 90 range
  • 75hp
  • 84mage

and i decided to go 75 attack again becouse somehow i still love beeing an gs pure ö

now im close to leveling to 69 attack :s

Id like to ask your peoples tougths about getting attack up quite early/that i better stayd 60 attack or not.

BTW: I got atm 30M bank so i can affort ags+have some spare money left and im looking to start making money again instead of training cb skills


Depends, if you like Edge Pking prolly not, but if you're a clanning account like myself.

Then, getting more Attack levels, yet any levels helps benefit you and your clan.

I say it was a good choice.


get 80 not 75 chaotics are free :)


To be honest True KO, i dont see the point getting ANOTHER 75 attack.

Turn this one into a clanning account, and join FOE.

But yeh i would have stayed 60 personally


60 is and always has been the funnest for me.


hmm yea, might just max this account and mayb make a new 60 atk.

Im already planning to join foe soon and i do dung sometimes between other shit im doing so will get 80 soon

Guest Cake N Spoon

Personally I'd keep the account 60 attack and max it out at 60 attack before even considering getting any attack levels. I also wouldn't simply get 75 attack for an ags, I'd most likely go 80 attack for chaotic weaponry since it's only one more combat level.

I've had a gmauler for 3 years maxed (was complicated after a while considering how you only have a small arsenal at that level), 60 attack for a year (loved it), and 80.


Get 80 attack dude


would of stayed 60 if you like pking

if you only clan pk get 30 def turm and 80 attk


To be honest True KO, i dont see the point getting ANOTHER 75 attack.

Turn this one into a clanning account, and join FOE.

But yeh i would have stayed 60 personally


99 attack or bust


60 att 35 def


depends how much you enjoy pking. if you like edge pking then you shoud have gotten 80 attack.


get 80 not 75 chaotics are free :)

^What he said.

I wouldn't stay at 60 attack on my pure, and that's why I got 80 in the first place. :P


time to start over

I Skype Moms

75 attack is good for clanning tbh, somewhat in edge if you prod with an ags

but 60 atk is where its at with edge pking :x


^ depends on what u like

pking wise, 60 atk will always be winner, but if ud rather make ur acc for a clan then 80 is the go


80 attack get some chaotics.


Too Early

R 4 P 1 D Z

60 is best for pking


60 where its at but might as well go 80 for chaotics

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