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Diizzy's Adventure to 31 Defence Turmoil


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Dizzy's Road to Turmoil

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Costs

3. Plans

4. Skills

5. Quests

6.Updates :)


Alright, since last time Sefket messed up and my page was totally ruined in shit code that no one could understand i decided to give it another try and possible even try to improve it. So as you guys obviously know I finally got the money for the bones and smithing requirements for turmoil (actually my brother lent the money to me but that's a different story). At the moment my account is an initiate pure. I made one because I messed up with 2 defence on my pure and all my friends were leveling and I didn't want to get left behind so I finished Nature Spirit and What Lies Below and got myself 21 defence along with sexy rune gloves. I couldn't be fricked to train strength at bandits because that frankly is too boring and I don't have anything near the patience. So I figured why not just work my way to turmoil. I'm deciding to get the prayer first, as I don't want to look like a noob with 30 defence and 52 prayer because that's just depressing to look at. I know this won't go in a flash, but it's getting me motivated to do something more for the clan and myself which is a bonus :)

Alright let's get into this...


Turmoil is really expensive and I think leaving a section free for all my expenses will make it a little more interesting

Dragon bones

34808 * 2887= 100490696gpizzels


Any left nut will know that i'm obviously trying to get 95 prayer so i'm not going to mention that. However along with Turmoil I want to get some stats that are much easier to train such as

  • Strength 83/90
  • Attack 75/80
  • Range 89/95


50/61 Agility

50/35 Construction

65/35 Cooking

50/45 Crafting

21/25 Farming

51/50 Firemaking

28/50 Fletching

25/10 Herblore

59/51 Hunting

94/50 Magic

43/64 Mining

76/50 Prayer

89/64 Ranged

43/50 Runecrafting

34/37 Slayer

44/65 Smithing

83/64 Strength

62/41 Summoning

54/66 Thieving

57/10 Woodcutting

Quests (30/38)

The Temple of Senntisten

Black Knight's Fortress

Creature of Fenkenstrain

Death Plateau

Defender of Varrock

Demon Slayer

Desert Treasure

Devious Minds

The Dig Site

Doric's Quest

Druidic Ritual

Family Crest

Garden of Tranquility

Gertrude's Cat

Goblin Diplomacy

Icthlarin's Little Helper

Missing My Mummy

Nature Spirit (needs to be started)

Priest in Peril

Prince Ali Rescue

Recruitment Drive

Rune Mysteries

Shades of Mort'ton

Shield of Arrav

The Curse of Arrav

The Golem

The Knight's Sword

The Lost Tribe

The Restless Ghost

The Tale of the Muspah

Temple of Ikov

The Tourist Trap

Troll Romance

Troll Stronghold


Waterfall Quest

What Lies Below

125 Kudos

Must have completed the Abyss (miniquest)

A trustworthy partner for Shield of Arrav

Must have completely restored Senliten's tomb.

Edited by Diizzy
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Nice template, keep it up, join us @ 30 DEFENCE :D

also, your "Cost" section is missing ):

I haven't got to that part yet. Really haven't spent any money on the quests that I have done until now but once I get into the smithing/bone burrying process i'll be sure to add that in :)

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