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Habits and weird shit.


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A few weeks ago I made a topic about habits and obsession, the topic died without many replies, so I'm making a new one.

Here are mine;

1. I piss on the white part of the toilet to avoid noise.

2. I stop the microwave at 1 second to avoid the beep.

3. I have an escape route planned for things such as fires, gunmen and zombies.

4. In the shower I cross my arms and collect water in the duct, then unfold my arms to make it splash.

5. I imagine "Her" being raped and killed, so that I can take revenge on the person who done it.

6. There is more than one "Her".

7. I play 'Chicken' with people in the street.

8. I say "Stop reading my mind, I know you can do it" in akward silence moments (In waiting rooms and such) incase they can read my mind.

9. I have a fear of sleeping around other people in fear that I might say/admit to something in my sleep that is true. (I talk a lot in my sleep).

10. I have a fear of looking out of closed windows and night, in fear that someone will be looking back.

11. I have a fear of knives and can hardly close my fist when holding one.

12. I crack my nuckles, twice per knuckle each time. Up to 20 times per hand per day.

13. There are very few meals I can eat without ketchup.

14. I take weirdly-sized steps in order to avoid gaps in concrete slabs or strange coloured tiles.

15. I make a to-do list every morning for each day. I also have lists for comming years, months, weeks, ect.

16. I narrate my actions in my head while playing games, or even eating. Asthough I'm making a tutorial.

17. I have a fear of chewing wool/cotton/cloth.

18. I have an image in my head in which I fall, and my top line of teeth bend forward, I cringe and go numb while I image this.

19. When I was younger I had hallucinations, a corner of the room became extremely big and it magnified. Ever since this never occures unless I'm explaining it to somebody, but it still scares me. When I explain it I get the same feeling as when you have a nightmare as a child.

20. I often think 'What would <Person>' being doing right now. It's either "Her" again, or a famous person.

21. I say words out loud until they don't sound right anymore.

22. I count the vowels in words.

23. I check my pockets for my stuff every 5-10 minutes incase I've dropped them/being robbed.

24. I can't carry things in pockets on my right side.

25. I look for the negatives in EVERYTHING in hope that I wont be disapointed if it were to happen. For example, in the days building up to my exam results I constantly told myself and others I wont get the grades I wanted. Then when I did get them I keep telling myself there was a typo of some sort.

26. I chew ANYTHING plastic, mainly forks from chip shops, pens, and even my Gameboy. Seriously, my gameboy is on the verge of death.

27. I can't watch TV without subtitles.

I have SOOOOOO many more, but I need a piss (On the white part of the toilet, of course), so I'm going to leave it at that for now. Post yours.

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I swear to god... If everything you wrote is true...

Where the FUCK have you been all my life? :upset:

Honestly, the large majority of that list reflects on shit I do on a day-to-day basis. Wow :|

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I do some of it lol, but the whole thing is.. different? Lol.

I always run the water when I'm taking a shit. Don't want people hear me squeeze out the hershey squirts.

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I also pee on the white part of the toilet, and stop the microwave before the beep..

And i crack my hands, neck, back, wrists, toes and ankles multiple times daily... 

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This is all the subconscious stuff we all do

- I bet you got that off a website :)

this, alot of us do this without even noticing it lol.
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I swear to god... If everything you wrote is true...

Where the FUCK have you been all my life? :upset:

Honestly, the large majority of that list reflects on shit I do on a day-to-day basis. Wow :|

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I could swear I have read some of these in MLIA's before..

Anyways , I can see myself doing alot of the ones you just said  :D

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1. I piss on the white part of the toilet to avoid noise.

4. In the shower I cross my arms and collect water in the duct, then unfold my arms to make it splash.

12. I crack my nuckles, twice per knuckle each time. Up to 20 times per hand per day.

13. There are very few meals I can eat without ketchup.

16. I narrate my actions in my head while playing games, or even eating. Asthough I'm making a tutorial.


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1. i chew on anything, really anything (sometimes i eat myself, like mine toes)

2. im afraid to look outside if it i dark

3. i once halucinated that a sheep cwame inside mine room when i whas sleeping and now im affraid of them

4. i hate big books

5. i allways sit down in a shower

6. i piss whitout noises, on the white part

7. im affraid on eating cardboard

8. allways if im in a game, i do 2 things:

8a: sniper them from a distance to be safe

8b: if no sniper/sniper ammo, then i run in whit a shotgun/flametrower

(these count for FPS)

9. im affraid of nukes altough i come from russia

10. i allways run upstairs

11.i allways close my door and then barricade it

12. i fart alot

13. if i am on my pc, gaming , or such, i like to eat ketchup

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dude... your fucking wierd.  dude i dont really believe alot of it... your scared of the dumbest shit. your either a lier, or a pussy. btw, who is "she"?

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dude... your fucking wierd.  dude i dont really believe alot of it... your scared of the dumbest shit. your either a lier, or a pussy. btw, who is "she"?


duuuh :p

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I do a lot of those too!

I cant walk past a mirror without looking, and then smoothing my hair even if it already is- i know its vein

When taking a shit i put toilet paper in the bowl before so the shit doesnt splash the water on my ass

I feel very uncomfortable not sitting in a corner, in a restaurant etc

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