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Habits and weird shit.


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1. I piss on the white part of the toilet to avoid noise.

2. I stop the microwave at 1 second to avoid the beep.

3. I have an escape route planned for things such as fires, gunmen and zombies.

4. In the shower I cross my arms and collect water in the duct, then unfold my arms to make it splash.

5. I imagine "Her" being raped and killed, so that I can take revenge on the person who done it.

6. There is more than one "Her".

9. I have a fear of sleeping around other people in fear that I might say/admit to something in my sleep that is true. (I talk a lot in my sleep).

11. I have a fear of knives and can hardly close my fist when holding one.

12. I crack my nuckles, twice per knuckle each time. Up to 20 times per hand per day.

14. I take weirdly-sized steps in order to avoid gaps in concrete slabs or strange coloured tiles.

16. I narrate my actions in my head while playing games, or even eating. Asthough I'm making a tutorial.

20. I often think 'What would <Person>' being doing right now. It's either "Her" again, or a famous person.

21. I say words out loud until they don't sound right anymore.

22. I count the vowels in words.

23. I check my pockets for my stuff every 5-10 minutes incase I've dropped them/being robbed.

25. I look for the negatives in EVERYTHING in hope that I wont be disapointed if it were to happen. For example, in the days building up to my exam results I constantly told myself and others I wont get the grades I wanted. Then when I did get them I keep telling myself there was a typo of some sort.

26. I chew ANYTHING plastic, mainly forks from chip shops, pens, and even my Gameboy. Seriously, my gameboy is on the verge of death.

^All the ones that relate to me, seriously.


dude... your fucking wierd.  dude i dont really believe alot of it... your scared of the dumbest shit. your either a lier, or a pussy. btw, who is "she"?

Not really 'Weird', everyone has things that they do often, or things they think about, but most don't pick up on it. For example, ask almost anyone, they will tell you that constantly tap their foot/shake their leg while sitting. I NEVER do that. I've also heard a lot of people scratch the inside of spoons.

I'm hardly a pussy. When I say I have a fear of sleeping around others that useually means if I'm over a friends house, I'll stay up until I go home, but if I'm extremely tired and do need to go to sleep, of course I wont sit their rocking back and forth crying. I just go to sleep, feeling uncomfortable and nervous. In the same way that I WILL pick up a knife if I need to slice some toast or some shit.


lol ok. whats scratchin the inside of spoons? 

also, its spelled wierd. i before e. except for in budweiser.


lol ok. whats scratchin the inside of spoons?   

also, its spelled wierd. i before e. except for in budweiser.


I always wonder what Johnny Depp is doing right now.

Oh and all of them relate.


Watch Me Tbb, shut the fuck up, you go on every thread calling people pussies, trying to act like an e-gangster, get the fuck off kid.

Btw, its weird. Not wierd. Tard.


Yeah, Watch Me Tbb, you're a fucking retard xD


5. I imagine "Her" being raped and killed, so that I can take revenge on the person who done it.

6. There is more than one "Her".

Same, lol though maybe not raped/killed, same concept though, strange shit i must admit lol.

Also do alot of the others, besides a fear of knives.

How can everyone b so similar? lol

edit: oh and yer watch me tb u really are a faggot, i doubt u have friends irl, go play more runescape, you nerd.  :nice:

edit: 21. I say words out loud until they don't sound right anymore. I do that so often, then i need to use that word on irc or something, and i wonder if it's the word im looking for, or if im guna type it and have ppl say "what the fuck that makes no sense".

If i'm playing a game where you can save wherever/whenever you want i save basically every 5 minutes or so, so much so that my oblivion game's loading time has multiplied by about 50. Fallout3 is next on the list.

Oh, my ipod has to be in my right pocket, and it cant have anything next to it, or it's too hard 2 get out, even if it means i have my wallet+phone+ other shit in the left.

I have a morbid hope that i will oneday see a plane crash in plain sight, as close as possible without being dangerous.

I often have dreams that i can fly, though whenever i do i'm always too scared from the height to fly very far. LOLWUT.

At work, when the people from the pizza shop next door bring their dishes in which i also have to watch, i always say "thank you" without any reason for doing so, probably because they're all fucking hot, still skrewed up though.

I have a fear of my phones alarm, if i hit a button to send it to 5 minute snooze time, i get up right away anyway because i don't want the alarm to go off 5 minutes later.

If i see someone with a hot rack at TAFE(collage) it's always the first thing i look at even if they see me looking (not rly a habit) lol. :wow:

When using photoshop i spend minutes trying to remember obscure keyboard shortcuts, even if it's not the fastest way to get something done. i.e ctrl +t, hold shift+alt drag to duplicate layer, hold shift+alt then ctrl as well then let go, then press ctrl J to duplicate the last duplicated layer/movement over and over. SOMETHING LIKE THAT ANYWAYS. lol.


Connor, why do you post on a runescape forum and insult people for playing runescape? although i guess i don't play it anymore.. but still, i wouldn't insult people for it.. that's just retarded -.-'

I can honestly say i cannot relate to any of these, i don't live my life in constant paranoia and fear fortunately.


No need to be so hard on Watch_Me_Tb lol, everyone makes mistakes :p

Conn0r, I'm so with you on the one about saying thank you. If someone hands me a cup so I can make them coffee, or ask me to put something in the bin I always say 'Thank you'.


tht thing with the wall used to happen to me when i was little two. idk why lols.

interesting though. alot of the stuff i do. this is cool ^^


i didnt think i was comming off as a dick...  when i said pussy, obviously i was kidding. if u took it otherwise... idfc.

oooo and im soooooo sorry for spelling weird wrong..


over the course of the years I have gotten a physical addiction to the feeling of water while taking a shower, as a result if I don't take at least 1 shower a day, I break out in hives the next day, or in my sleep I wake up in a cold sweat.(I generally take 3-5 showers a day)

I brush my teeth every 4 hours. I usually start at 8:00am and end at 12:00am

I use 4 crest whitestrips a day, instead of the two it recommends.

I have a STRONG immunity to capsaicin, which is the compound that makes peppers have their "hotness". I generally on a day to day basis use Mad Dog 357, which is approximately 5million scoville units(tabasco sauce is around 3000, so it's over 1000 times hotter then tabasco). I have also been a volunteer at multiple fairs to be "maced"(in the police unit demonstration). It has very little effect on me, other then teary eyes usually, While on the other volunteer, s/he experiences the full blow of the spray.(point of the demonstration is to show that on some people pepper spray can have little to no effect, some drug users have the "no effect"(although i'm not a drug user)

Murder He Wrote

lol, i see you caught a case of Tbb...

it's destined to make you a bit more retarded, and joe, i like your post the best..

i also do over half of the first post.


wtf does that mean..


dude... your fucking wierd.  dude i dont really believe alot of it... your scared of the dumbest shit. your either a lier, or a pussy. btw, who is "she"?


duuuh :p

Your understanding of the human mind, simple amazes me.

@ OP.

Shit, this makes me feel normal. I thought some of this was me, lol. Being weird, OFC.

Austin|Vile Maul

I do large part of those


WOW i do these without noticing:

1. I piss on the white part of the toilet to avoid noise.

2. I stop the microwave at 1 second to avoid the beep.

4. In the shower I cross my arms and collect water in the duct, then unfold my arms to make it splash.

10. I have a fear of looking out of closed windows and night, in fear that someone will be looking back.

14. I take weirdly-sized steps in order to avoid gaps in concrete slabs or strange coloured tiles.

19. When I was younger I had hallucinations, a corner of the room became extremely big and it magnified. Ever since this never occures unless I'm explaining it to somebody, but it still scares me. When I explain it I get the same feeling as when you have a nightmare as a child.

23. I check my pockets for my stuff every 5-10 minutes incase I've dropped them/being robbed.

wow i dont even notice i do these in a negative way it just happens. i just made myself microwave pizza and i allways stop in on 1 :S

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