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Hunter Log.


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Okay, I'm not trying to see how many chins i can grow under my mouth. that would not be epic win.

anyway, down to point.

Hunt log ;

5600?/40000 red chinchompa.



Posted Image


good luck lol, nice thread style.

X No Mercy O

Gl man, but ya nice thread, its straight to the point and its like hey, this is what I'm doin check it out.


i liked your story, GL only 39k more to go  :lol:


good luck lol, nice thread style.

I can do 10x better, This is just reallllyyyyy simple.

Gl man, but ya nice thread, its straight to the point and its like hey, this is what I'm doin check it out.

Very true, If i was doing a Goal's and achievement's, I would have taken 2 hours, Not 20 Seconds.

gl dude :)


i liked your story, GL only 39k more to go  :lol:

Excuse me, But I believe it's only 38.4k ATM. So yeah..... fail


good luck lol, nice thread style.

I can do 10x better, This is just reallllyyyyy simple.

Gl man, but ya nice thread, its straight to the point and its like hey, this is what I'm doin check it out.

Very true, If i was doing a Goal's and achievement's, I would have taken 2 hours, Not 20 Seconds.

gl dude :)


i liked your story, GL only 39k more to go  :lol:

Excuse me, But I believe it's only 38.4k ATM. So yeah..... fail

God you're an asshole.


Nice good luck. How many can you catch on 1 hour?


I catch around 200 or so an hour, Maybe alittle less. i got like 90 in 30 minutes, So around 180ish?

And No, I am not an asshole.

And yes, Alot to go. :)


Gl on that 40k chins dosen't take to long to acheive took me a bit over a month to get 40k chins.


Yeah, I just really want my first 99 ;D


Good luck! Getting 40,000 Chinchompas isn't that hard in my opinion.


Well Yeah I know, But every time I start a pure, I dont get any money and I end up quitting it because I dont have money. This time I'm allready up to like 6m :D So... I'm doing good.

Updated with a picture of my character.


Updated with 80 Hunter ;D!


Thank's bro. :) About to hit 81. Will update tonight.


Good luck, i recently got 99. Be prepared for a hard slog lol.


Haha yeah I hit 83 Yesterday :)

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