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Would some FOE members be interested in adding me?

E O H Shak

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Would some FOE members be interested in adding me and inviting me to f2p pk trips

my account is f2p so i can't go on p2p trips but i would like to see what pking with FOE is like to see if i want to join this clan


E O H Shak


do you have an account also named Shak180?

if so... hi, I've known you since classic.

Edit: in fact i'm positive it's you(or was)


hmm, interresting :p scam pls


Sure add Twirl4brandy, I have my chat on, feel free to ask any questions :].


I personally don't add people randomly, because I've had some issues with members who I have thought would make good members, but turned out inactive or maybe even NH. Therefore, use Cha0s Pur3 cc, or #Finalownage.


Lol desperate for friends XD


Check out cha0s pur3 Cc once in a while ask if theres any f2p trips going on in there. Although randomers can get in it alot of foe members hang in there ;) or check out #finalownage on irc


i dont know a lot on the subject, but i think you can only go to trips if you are an applicant/member. but u can always attend the unofficial midweek trips in #midweek. good for noobs like me who dont meet reqs =P


If you already meet requirements, then you can pm "cha0s pur3" to get added for a trip; this means that you MUST not be on any other clan's ML, or we will not allow you to tag along.

If you are far from requirements, then I suggest you train to them first.


Pretty much agree with M1ni

-gl getting requirements.


If you already meet requirements, then you can pm "cha0s pur3" to get added for a trip; this means that you MUST not be on any other clan's ML, or we will not allow you to tag along.

If you are far from requirements, then I suggest you train to them first.

he meets the melee req's to be a member, he just has to do the misc. req's(attending trips, referrals, etc. I know I used to have some screenshots of me and him classic pking). if I was a foe member I'd vouch for him on the pking side of things.

Connor|New Recruits

You can't attend trips unless you applied or Dave has given you the right to because you're stats meet the reqs and you wan't to see how this is.

Contact him with a fourm pm or in IRC by [Foe]Dave.

Problam solved, Topic Locked.

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