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I just got my new comp, and i found a mic laying around, but have no clue where to plug it in on my desktop or how to adjust the setting on ts3, any help?


which one is you... you have another forum account..


Search it up on youtube "How to setup mic for ts3" pretty sure you will find a helpful video.


is this related to rs?

and there 2 prodsemper and semperprod



im whatever this one is lol

I Skype Moms

there should be a place to put it on your hardrive, and mess around with the settings to test it. other than that check out youtube like bluejay said


google is everyones best friend


If its USB, plug it into your USB hole.

Then on your tool bar at bottom of screen, right click the sound icon and click "playback devices". Right click on the screen and "show disabled devices". You mic will most likely be top one. Right click that and select, "Set as default device" and "set as default communication device"

Do this the same with Recording.

Then go on ts3 and ask if ppl can hear you

Posted (edited)

stick in in your monitor. gotta push

Edited by Trev|Low Bridd
R 4 P 1 D Z

plug it in the back of ur pc green n pink slot gren for sound pink for voice


look it up on youtube.

Life To Dds

Youtube google that shit or pm people


If you cant use USB or behind PC screen, use the back of your case if you have pink+green jacks

Die Is Cash

gl with that

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