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How much will 94 mage and 90 range cost?

turmoil apex

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turmoil apex

<p>I was just wondering how much it will cost for brusting rock lobsters from level 81 to 94, and getting 74 to 90 range with red chins at ape. I need this so i can start a app. :tongue:</p>


74-90 range will be approx 12-20k chins ( short fuse)

and if you dont have that much money id recommend u just alching the nats are so low on price atm u can alch with 15gp loss.

u can also burst skeles for more xp/hr but no charms then


74-90 range will be approx 12-20k chins ( short fuse)

and if you dont have that much money id recommend u just alching the nats are so low on price atm u can alch with 15gp loss.

u can also burst skeles for more xp/hr but no charms then


<p>If I remember correcting, I spent about 20-25m bursting from 82-92ish but that is also the cost of 59-79 summoning. </p>

<p> </p>

<p>but I would defiantly do it because summoning is worth it. </p>

turmoil apex

<p>thank you guys :) <3</p>

<p>im alching steel platebodys and make like 23gp each :) no loss for me! </p>

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