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FOE Sunday P2P Trip


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Topic By: Dan


KDR Of The Trip:



Videos Of The Trip:



First fight of the Sunday trip was a PKRI against Fatality. Fi rushed us from the east as we were spread north to south at corp. Both clans were getting dropped by freezes and bolts mainly with the odd DDS ko. As FOEs returners were coming from GDz we had the lower numbers so we dragged the fight up north to Gap as FI followed. We kept freezing the members who came up first as our returners attacked over the gap. FI pushed through the gap trying to take GDz but we had a good return group spread north to south so FI had no chance but to regroup north-west of GDz. After a solid 30 minutes of fighting, the quality of FIs gear declined as less and less returned in mage. FOE kept returning strong in mage landing freezes to pick out the piles to get the quicker KOs. Eventually FI gave up and ran off west trying to log as we kept attacking until all had either died or logged. We then got a log out and bank.



After a full bank, we teled up to GDz to hit the 3 way going on at corp between FI, EOP and TLP. When we arrived, the place was scattered and we moved it to NE stairs. After clearing up NE stairs, we moved to mossies to hit anything else. Couple of pures tried running south-west but got caught in multi and dicked over fairly easily. After there was nothing left apart from 1 itemers, we logged out.



Last action of the trip and we were set on hitting MM on their anniversary after desimating them yesterday. FOE logged in at old gate and rushed towards GDz. A few members teled into GDz before we arrived which sent mm fleeing. We got there just in time to land some freezes down on their feable members as the 'men' in pink tried logging as menly men do. Pink were getting frozen as they helplessly spam clicked their log to lobby button, was an easy 10-20 kills for FOE. Later on we got a bank, tried hitting EOP again but nothing came of it so we ended.


Overall an awsome Sunday trip for FOE as usual. Plenty of loot and action and plenty of fun. Want in? ~ Apply at www.foe-rs.com/forums now!


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Don't forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!


wow pop is really stepping their game up!

gj fam


winnars c:


Was an awesome trip.


dam 74 kills for a bday


Great trip.

Gj foe.


Kings of P2P, was a good trip ;p


just looking at deltapapa vid, you have brews with no restores, wolper with no mage, only 2 necks

come on now




0o0's on foetube now


gr8 trip :)


Nice trip from what i heard. Made them regret it!

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