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appeal pending forever


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whats up guys, ive lurked around foe forums forever but just decided to try and take up rs again, problem is i had a f2p account that was banned for macroing during the bot nuke. is there any chance of getting it unbanned? i sent in a last chance appeal but its been pending for so long. the only other account i have is maxed with 46 pray that obviously isn't good for anything but f2p pking, which gets old quick. and i dont feel like trying to come up with money and time for 95 pray if i get membs


not gonna get banned unless ur like butt buddies with a jmod

ya smell me?


I submitted the appeal the day after the ban -_-



u should just make ur maxed pure p2p lol u dont need turm just get 52 pray or 74/77 for rig/aug


i wish it was a maxed pure lol, its 99 def aswell, thanks for the replys


sux i hope fagex gets the dick out of their ass and starts looking at the appeals to people who r willing to pay money for their game


Hopefully you'll get back

R 4 P 1 D Z

gl gettin it bk

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