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bunch of achievements on 1pd

gooned m8 k0

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some are new some are old, but heres a slew of achievements since ive had 1pd.

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I always thought you were 45 def, and why 59 prayer?

Some nice stats there ;)


Hey jj, grats on all the achievements.. and i gotta ask same question as tiz


Nice levels, nothing big, but achievements nevertheless. Grats! :)


i got 47 on accident from completing holy grail

i am also rcing for 70 prayer (have 64 banked atm) to save cash on slayer and make multi pking cheaper ppot wise aswell. 

hope that helps


most rune pures and "zerker pures" are between 40-50 defense, and as a matter of fact, many rune pures in HF including HC celticsfan34 (who is god) has 50def himself, as does co-leader armalyte.  i personally dont mind, it wasnt an extra combat level and im high enough to auto-attack higiher lvl npcs.  the summoning is for graahk rcing which is great cash


Nice job JayJay...

Look's like you like def :P


Nice work, lots of levels there


thanks jamie, and nick about damn time you got into FOE as a full member :p thanks for replies guys keep em comin


Gj, seen you rcing the last few days, got 70 myself.

Keep it up. :nice:


i knew you were FOE, add me next time i see you noob :p


Your fucking hacking scum, nice life.


Your fucking hacking scum, nice life.

shut your mouth you worthless propoganda whore

firstly i NEVER hacked 1pd, and you dont even know the whole story as to when i was FOE what acc i was FOE on and how i even got 1pd.

firstly, if i hacked it, WHY WOULD I POST THE ACHIEVEMENTS ON HERE DUMB ASSsecondly if you knew ANYTHING about justin (the original owner) he never let ANYBODY on 1pd besides alex when justin was away from RS during the clan wars era...

third, if you would know a thing, 1pd was hacked in november 2008 when i was leaving FOE and i gave miss me to justin so he could stay in the community, and he's done wonders, and as a small favour back to me he gave me 1pd a few months later... yet why should i have to explain myself to you..

edit: edited out the "innapropriate shit"

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