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New Dung Bot.


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Just been released today from Epicbot, the bot itself is overpriced. But botting multiple accounts would be worth if you leech. Epicbot is quite reliable compared to other bots, they come back up after each update.



Link to bot:http://www.epicbot.c...oduct.php?id=58


  • Elegant paint with screenshot, setting changing, and hiding paint controls
  • All floors, all complexities, all bosses, all puzzles
  • Upgrade your own weapons or armor when you find them
  • Includes unbinding if needed
  • Going through a dungeon and find some better armor to help you? The bot automatically wears it to prevent deaths
  • Rush C1 til a certain floor, then fix it and go to C6 and continue for max XP gains
  • Reset your prestige when needed
  • Need food to continue, it'll cook it before entering boss again to prevent deaths
  • Pure mode is stable, prevent defense XP gained (remember to keep style switching off, and pure mode checked
  • Melee, range, and mage all incorporated - so place your binds correctly!
  • Smart exploring mode, or find the boss and move on - up to you
  • Plus more!


just dung legit u noobs :>....

Got A Big Un

worth using rather then paying for leach


just dung legit u noobs :>....

Don't wish to spend my time dunging when I can do more productive activities which could possibly benefit me.


how much is it


very interesting h3h3h


£38 by SMS.. hmmmm.

Somewhat tempting, can't get an alertypay or libertyreserve


if its working on 2nd june ill consder


how much is it

30$ or 70m RSGP

if its working on 2nd june ill consder

wat is on june 2nd? bot nuke?


Interesting but id rather leech


Looks good, but i'm not spending £38 in a single transaction for runescape. Idung pro or w.e was like £6 or summin lmao. I'll stick to botting for free and leave dung for now

camels milk

there is going to be a bot nuke soon so don't buy it lolz


£38 by SMS.. hmmmm.

Somewhat tempting, can't get an alertypay or libertyreserve

38 Quid u off your fuckin trolley!? :ohmy:


£38 by SMS.. hmmmm.

Somewhat tempting, can't get an alertypay or libertyreserve

38 Quid u off your fuckin trolley!? :ohmy:

i know right haha :L

Ready Ok FOE

any1 here bought it yet?


Interesting but id rather leech


i'd rather leech than risk it

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