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Bounty Hunter returns!


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The Crucible - The Return of Bounty Hunter (Members Only)

Back in 2011, we removed the “Bounty” mechanic. For many of you, it was a style of PKing you preferred to the traditional Wilderness, and we promised we would bring it back. Well, it’s back! And this time, it’s better than ever...

The Crucible is a giant arena that players over combat level 60 can enter to do battle with like-minded opponents. Once inside, you’ll be assigned another player as your target, resulting in some of the most dangerous, vicious, and potentially rewarding combat available in the game. If you’re successful in your assignment then you will be given a grace period where you can’t be attacked, allowing you to run away from the action, bank your loot and then leap back into the fray.

The entire area is based around solo play - so no multi-way combat - and combat can only be engaged between targets, so no rushing or PJing! Of course, you’ll need to be very sure of your abilities, because - as with all dangerous PKing - the winner of each fight will gain ALL the drops from their opponent.

Players gain points through noble actions (e.g. not running away) and victories. These points can then be spent on unique death titles, and jingles to play to your slaughtered foes. The points are also used to determine a brand new feature to RuneScape – the Supreme Champion.

If you have a high ranking within a Crucible game, you’ll have the chance to be temporarily elevated to the status of a Supreme Champion., You’ll be rendered invincible for a whole minute, and will be given access to a raft of brand new weapons only to be used within the Crucible, so you can go on a mad, crazy rampage where you can slaughter anyone in your way. Harnessing the dark powers discovered by the Crucible’s keepers, each weapon is suitable for different combat styles, with melee warriors claiming ’Annihilation‘, rangers wielding ’Decimation‘ and mages holding the mighty ’Obliteration‘ aloft. The Crucible’s a cruel, capricious place, though, and your fellow PKers will be waiting for revenge when you’re knocked from your lofty perch.

We’re also relying on a new, special combat calculation to assign targets. This means your targets will be of an ability level that is equal or similar to your own, so skill and knowledge will rule the land.

Between kills, you’ll also be able to loot corpses of long-dead warriors that are scattered around the area, providing brand new combat gloves; again, only to be worn within the Crucible. Powerful, and offering a healthy life point boost, we’re looking forward to seeing these gloves in use.

A new hiscore table, tracking kills, is being created with the update, so we’ll soon know who the most powerful PKers are...officially!


sounds shit tbh. I do not like changes in this game. Too many updates--> lch Jonny wont return to scape


bet it will be a safe minigame -_-


i was hoping they just brought bak the wildy but with bh rules... not the shit crater stuff


sounds prty cool but could be better like the worlds where they're all pking etc

got my stock of sharks hopefully they go up :x


#BH Craters #1

R 4 P 1 D Z

holy shit they did something right for once?


bet it will be a safe minigame -_-

as with all dangerous PKing - the winner of each fight will gain ALL the drops from their opponent

do you not read topics at all or what noob lol


bet it will be a safe minigame -_-

as with all dangerous PKing - the winner of each fight will gain ALL the drops from their opponent

do you not read topics at all or what noob lol

yeah but still jagex will find someway to fuck it over


pures will be spared guys if pures fight pures there's no problem lol

Pink BeIIend

No rushers?

No looters?

No waiting for EP?


pures will be spared guys if pures fight pures there's no problem lol

What your saying is basically this;

You see 2 failed 40 def risk fighters fighting each other with robins on.

You can 1. Pj and get their loots or 2. Let them fight each other because your nice and your gonna let the 40 defs fight the 40 defs and miss out on the free 6m.

Even if Pures fight Pures, if defence is become as overpowered as Jagex is saying, "Armor will give you a big truck load of hitpoints," Why wouldn't a tank take out an easy target like a pure. Free loot as I stated above.


This game is changing too much!


Thats pretty interesting, im looking forward to it


This game is changing too much!

The changes are for the better in my opinion...and this new version of Bounty Hunter does look good, I used to love bounty hunter worlds and I stopped single PKing after the old wilderness came back really. I preferred having a target and then finding each other, it was much more fun. The fact that PJing and rushing are gone is a massive bonus.


i was hoping they just brought bak the wildy but with bh rules... not the shit crater stuff

not sure if serious. BH and PvP worlds were the worst thing to happen to the game


i was hoping they just brought bak the wildy but with bh rules... not the shit crater stuff

not sure if serious. BH and PvP worlds were the worst thing to happen to the game

+1 they were but its will b interesting to see what they pull outta there ass

Its zeh noob

reading this range tanks and mage tanks will destroy the game


seems good, BUT i'm interested to see how they can assign opponents; if it won't be based on combat the pures could be fucked up fighting the average combat stat.. e.g level 60 pures fighting level 80 mains.



i hate bh


i was hoping they just brought bak the wildy but with bh rules... not the shit crater stuff

not sure if serious. BH and PvP worlds were the worst thing to happen to the game

+1 they were but its will b interesting to see what they pull outta there ass

lol? craters were fuckin terrible on pures, u either had to be low level, or get fucked on in the 100cmb crater

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